Thursday, April 3, 2008



1 Interesting, has some useful information
1* Excellent book for beginners
2 Generally good with some very good bits and pieces
3 Very Good
3.5 Half way between Excellent and very good, good to have
4 Excellent, has much technical information
4* Excellent book for beginners or the advanced student, easy to understand technical information
5 Excellent, very technical

1* Adrienne, Carol. The Numerology Kit. NY, NY: NAL Penguin Books, 1988.

5 Avery, Kevin Quinn. The Number of Life. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1974. (Out of print.)

3.5 Bishop, Barbara J. Numerology: The Universal Vibrations of Numbers. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 1990.

4 Buess, Lynn. Numerology For The New Age. Sedona, AZ: Light Technology, 1978.
3 ---. Numerology: Nuances in Relationships. 1991.

2 Bunker, Dusty. Numerology and Your Future. West Chester, PA: Whitford Press, 1980.

3 Campbell, Florence. Your Days Are Numbered. Marina Del Ray, CA: DeVorss & Co., 1985.

4 DiPetro, Sylvia. Live Your Life By The Numbers: Your Guide to Numerology. NY, NY: Penguin Books (Signet Div) 1991.

4* Dodge, Ellen. Numerology Has Your Number. NY. NY: Simon & Schuster, Inc. 1988
3 ---. You Are Your First Name. 1984

1 Ellis, Keith. Number Power: In Nature, Art, and Everyday Life. NY, NY: St. Martin's Press, 1978. (Explores the ways in which the power of numbers has mani­fested itself in philosophy, religion, the arts, mythology, science and mathematics.)

1* Goodman, Morris C. Modern Numerology. North Hollywood, CA: Wilshire Book Co., 1945.
2 Grebner, Bernice Prill. The Day Of Your Birth. Peoria Heights, Illinois: Grebner Books, 1990.

3 Hitchcock, Helyn. Helping Yourself With Numerology. West Nyack, NY: Parker Publishing Co., Inc., 1972

4 Javane, Faith and Dusty Bunker. Numerology and the Divine Triangle. Westchester, PA: Whitford, 1979

3 Javane, Faith. Master Numbers. Westchester, PA: Whitford, 1988.

4 Jeanne. Numerology: Spiritual Light Vibrations. Salem, Oregon: Your Center For Truth Press, 1987. (503) 370-7295

2 Johari, Harish. Numerology: With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology; A Key to Human Behavior. Rochester, VT: Desti­ny Books, 1990.

4* Jordan, Juno. Numerology: The Romance in Your Name. Marina Del Ray, CA: DeVorss & Co. 1965.
3 ---. Your Right Action Number. 1979
2 ___, and Helen Houston. Your Name...Your Number...Your Destiny. North Hollywood, CA: Newcastle Pub. Co., Inc., 1982.

1 Line, Julia. The Numerology Workbook. Wellingbourough, England: The Aquarian Press, 1985.

2 Poole, Richard Elliott. The Numeric Personality. New York, NY: Doubleday, 1989.

4* Roquemore, Kathleen. It's All In Your Numbers. NY, NY: Harper & Row, 1975. (Out of print. If you can find it, buy it!)

1 Stein, Sandra Kovacs. Instant Numerology: A Manual for the Beginner. North Hollywood, CA: New Castle Publishing Co. Inc., 1981.

2 Strayhorn, Lloyd. Numbers and You. NY, NY: Ballentine Books, (34593), 1987.

3 Valla, Mary. The Power of Numbers. Marina Del Ray, CA: DeVorss & Co., 1985.

2 Vaughan, Richard. Numbers As Symbols For Self-Discovery. Sebastopol, CA: CRCS Publications, 1985.



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