Thursday, April 3, 2008

Nostradamus Predictions

Get the facts about the predictions of nostradamus. You’ll find that a lot of Nostradamus Predictions were misinterpreted or misrepresented by the wrong people throughout history, usually by those that had an ulterior motive for proving or disproving one of the prophecies.

One of the more interesting Nostradamus Predictions is this one:

In the year 1999, in the seventh month,
from the sky will come the great King of Terror,
bringing back to life the great King of the Mongols.
Before and after, Mars to reign by good fortune.

You probably already know exactly what this pertains to… yep… the attacks of September 11. Some experts believe the date was an anagram and is supposed to be reversed into 9-11-1… the exact date of the attacks. There’s no way of knowing if this is the case, but going by the many other times Nostradamus used anagrams it’s scary how accurate the prediction is.

How can you benefit from Nostradamus Predictions?
How can you use Nostradamus Predictions to succeed in your own life, and avoid catastrophe’s like that of September 11?

Numerology Predictions are just one of the ways you can start to look ahead into your own future with frightening accuracy. I’ve been using this method for many years and people are still blown away by my seemingly ‘out of this world’ ability to see how things are going to unfold for me.

The crazy thing is, there’s no big secret, there’s no conspiracy or cover up, this information is available for everyone and is unique to your name and date of birth. All you need is a Master Numerologist to prepare a complete personal numerology reading for you so you too can uncover the secrets of your numerology chart.

I can personally recommend these: personal numerology reading from

Wait… actually… click this link for a Free Numerology Reading by… you’ll be totally amazed at what you uncover… I remember forwarding a copy of my free numerology reading to my girlfriend (now fiancee) and she was just awestruck at how accurate the reading was… and it was free! Crazy huh?

Get your free numerology reading from



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