Cerebral power is calculated and graphed to reflect a head or intellectual connection between two people.
Some numbers or number associations and connections form and develop blocks. Blocks are challenges and obstructions that delay and deter action from transpiring. Challenges teach and guide us to improve and revise our life. The more blocks in a chart the more lessons the person has to experience. For example 13 is the challenge to learn to recreate and build.
A numerology profile consists of 6 numbers that are determined by your birth certificate name and date of birth. These 6 numbers produce your primary personality traits. The combination of the 6 numbers connect to form 15 secondary personality traits. Now there are 15 secondary personality extensions or ramifications of your prototype. Alas that is why you are one of a kind. No one in the universe would have your identical 21 traits. Indeed the human personality is very complex and intricate like a labyrinth with numerous and unlimited possibilities.
Measures the strength of particular areas in a chart and displays the results in a graph format.
Measures how suitable and consistent you are with your mate. A compatibility chart blends and merges the two charts together. A matrix is formed which produces compatible and incompatible areas.
Each person forms a new personality when you blend two charts together to form another entity. Like a chemical equation you are adding 2 ingredients to produce a different element that can cause major changes. Your own personality could differ tremendously depending on the relationship you choose to be involved with, hence the theory of the other partner making or breaking his or her mate. The 6 numbers from each chart combine to generate 36 compatibility traits. These 36 compatibility traits define the newborn association with unique characteristics and attributes. Some traits appear to be conflicting, however relationships are very complex and at times we harmonize and at times we clash with our partner
Extra Power is added to your chart if your birthday has the same number for the month and the day, for example: 1/1, 2/2, 3/3, 4/4 etc. Duplicate Power: If a number is repeated in the primary traits then the person has duplicate power. This factor adds points to the chart because the personality strengthens as there are now 5 different numbers not 6.
Emotional power is calculated and graphed to reflect attitude, feelings, sensitivity, and temperament.
A person that has experienced several of life's lessons.
Talents and presents were bestowed to you at birth. These benefits are recognized and derived by the numbers in your chart. For example 26 is the gift of youth.
Intelligence power is calculated and graphed to reflect an astute and cerebral sense.
Intuitive power is calculated and graphed to reflect a strong psyche and instinctive sense.
What goes around comes around! The karmic debt or reward you have incurred individually or with another is tallied up using numbers that are specifically karmic. For example some karmic numbers are : 26 and 35. Some -karmic numbers are: 13 and 15. The total points reflects positive, negative, or no karma. Either you will be compensated for your positive karma, you will have to clear your karma and settle the score, or you have a clean slate and have no karma .
This system prepared by Number Power assigns numerical values to each day in a month and combines that information with the person's chart. The system then calculates and figures which days have more power and allocates a value placement for each day of the month. The higher the number on the scale the more luck that would be bestowed to the person for that day.
This system selects numbers from the person's chart and then combines that information with each day of the month to produce a monthly set of various combinations to enhance the person's chances of winning.
If two number add to 100 or 111 those 2 number combinations make a magic connection. For example: 45 55 = 100 or 35 76 = 111. The magic connection in an individual chart means the person adds power points to the total of the person's chart. In addition this aspect produces a magical quality to the personality of the individual. The magic connection in a compatibility chart means the couple adds more power points to the total of their chart. In addition the twosome would have a magical quality to their relationship.
Master numbers are double and triple digits that repeat the same number two or three times. For example some double master numbers are: 33, 44, 55. For example some triple master numbers are: 111, 222. These double and triple configurations in an individual chart add power points to the total of the person's chart. In addition this aspect bestows expert skills to the individual. These double and triple configurations in a compatibility chart means the couple adds more power points to the total of their chart, In addition the twosome would be closely linked and strongly bonded.
Material power is calculated and graphed to reflect business and financial gains.
If two numbers are in opposite positions or a mirror reflection of each other this is called a mirror connection. For example some mirror connections are: 01 and 10 24 and 42. This configuration in an individual chart adds more power points to the person's chart. This configuration in a compatibility chart means the couple adds more power points to the chart. In addition this adds a complimentary factor to both charts.
: Number Power is a system written and created by Anne Stearn Lynch that assigns power points to numbers, classifies numbers into different categories, applies definitions and meanings to numbers, and specifies a scale to select values to number totals. The Number Power program incorporates 86 different numbers to enhance the individuality of personalities and character traits. In addition, all 86 numbers reflect an astrological and tarot connection that are built into the interpretation and definition of the number meaning.
This symbol means the primary, secondary, or compatible trait is in the chart once, and has a single impact on the individual or couple.
This symbol means the primary, secondary, or compatibility trait is in the chart twice and has double impact on the individual or couple.
This symbol means the primary, secondary, or compatibility trait is in the chart three times and has triple impact on the individual or couple.
This symbol means the primary, secondary, or compatibility trait is in the chart four times and has quadruple impact on the individual or couple
Double, triple, and quadruple power bestows additional points to the chart to increase the intensity or power of the individual or couple. In addition, soul, mirror, and magic power adds more bonus points to the chart to extend the total. *See individual explanations.
Numerology is the study of the mysterious and hidden meaning of numbers and their relevance to our society and existence, Numerology grew as a branch of mathematics a more concrete and operational system of numbers. However, to use numerology successfully one must implement mathematical symbols, computations, and logarithms. This data forms a numerological chart that can explain one's personality and predict their future. Numerology has also been advantageous in forecasting lottery numbers, lucky combinations, lucky days, compatibility's, predictable patterns, names, house numbers, and other miscellaneous facts.
A person who has experienced all of life's lessons.
Physical power is calculated and graphed to reflect vitality, fitness, endurance, and passion.
The total points in the chart reflects the power of the chart. 1-3 represents powerful, 4-7 represents more powerful, and 7-10 represents most powerful. The more powerful the chart the more personal power that is bestowed upon the individual or couple.
The six numbers calculated by the chart form the primary traits. Three numbers are derived from the birth date. Three numbers are derived from the name. These numbers are assigned a number value and classified . These numbers remain constant and do not change. Primary traits are the main and most active traits of the person and are assigned more points.
A zero at the end of a number adds power points to the chart total. For example some zero numbers are: 30 and 50. These numbers add protection and magnify attributes in individual and compatibility charts.
Greek philosopher who founded a school in southern Italy that sought to discover the mathematical principles of reality through the study of musical harmony and geometry. The Pythagorean theorem is ascribed to him.
Only one birthday in the calendar year reflects this aspect. This birthday is 11/11. This configuration adds more power points to the person's chart, In addition a magical and enticing aspect is added to the individual chart.
Romantic power is calculated and graphed to reflect sentiment and love.
The combination of the six numbers blend together to form fifteen secondary traits. Secondary traits are assigned a numerical value and classified . Secondary traits are subordinate and derivative characteristics which have less power than primary traits. However, if the secondary traits appear more than once they would carry equal weight.
Social power is calculated and graphed to reflect friendly, hospitable, and harmonious relationships.
Have you ever had that feeling that you felt instantly comfortable and at ease with someone you just met? A soulmate is someone who shares similar personality traits. This connection adds more power points to a chart. Some compatibility charts have more than one soulmate connection. The more soulmate connections the greater the personalities would resemble one another.
Soul Power informs you if you are a young. enlightened, or old soul.
Only 3 birthdays reflect this combination they are: 1/11 2/22 and 11/1. Extra power is added for these combinations. This aspect denotes more ambition and talent.
A person that has experienced a few of life's lessons.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Numerology Terms
Posted by scorpion king at 5:18 AM
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