Wednesday, April 2, 2008



In spite of all the prior computations, the single most important notation is that of the Life Calling (LC) number. This number explicitly spells out what you can and should develop, if you wish to experience all the richness and fullness life promises til the ultimate end.

The Life Calling Number , is one of the most important numbers in nu­merology and cannot be treated in a light manner. It is the source from which all other aspects spring, the Life Path or Destiny being just the road one follows, the Life Calling Number being the very source of direction.

As Destiny guides the Soul in a particular direction (the Soul's Urge may or may not support the journey) the LC number clearly describes the destina­tion. Although most persons are oblivious to the `magnetic' pull, the LC pushes one toward their goal. Those without the knowledge are still drawn in its direction. However, when we are unaware of where we are going our journey can not be as enjoyable. Such unawareness is known as "stress".

It is very likely that until the age of 38 or beyond this subtle influence is not truly felt. The entire life's experiences will be gathered/clustered in support of its attainment, enabling you to be fulfilled as only a productive soul can be. In youth, the life's obstacles and useless wishing and hoping is likely to impair the insight as to where life is taking you. With age comes a career, possible marriage, relationships of various types, and numerous other impedi­ments to forward progress. For most of us, the approach of middle-age is when the serious and sometimes conscientious search for life's meaning takes on even greater importance. The Soul is then searching more directly for the sense of true and lasting happiness. Most of us get the feeling from time to time that there is more to Life---but what? The LC number tells all.


All numbers are good. It is up to us to decide if we use the positive energies or the negative. Like warning beacons, numbers tell what happens if used positively and warns of the outcome if negatively applied. The analogy can be made with human laws; when they are written, so too is the punishment for not abiding by them. Numbers are the same in a more spiritual sense. Through ignorance, most of us don't follow the Soul's dictates (intuition) and are then chained to experiences, many of which are disagreeable. Some individuals are simply too self-centered or rebellious to follow the dictates of the Soul, let alone abide by human laws and consequences.

The felon or criminal that can not see the need for law enforcement, the citizen that breaks the rules, and the individual that doesn't listen to their intuition and learn from setbacks and losses, are all expressing the same thing --- the lack of self-discipline.

When the LC number is known, the reason for this incarnation is felt. Early in the life this may seem like an impossible or improbable goal. The other numbers must be consulted to determine whether they will support or detract from the prescribed destination. Regardless, such a reality is attainable for each of us. Those whose numbers are more or less supportive have a smoother journey, perhaps due to an earlier awareness of who they are. Those having contrary numbers have the more difficult passage but in all probability will revel all the more in its attain­ment. Incidentally, it is these people who are seen to experience the most "fun" in life because they live more day-to-day and "let the Devil take the hindmost". Then when things don't go their way, they wonder why life let them down so abruptly. On occasion, they pick up the pieces and do the same things over and over again, ad nauseam.

The LC number encompasses the total character (vowels) and personality (consonants) of the individual. Hidden within the birth date and full name at birth, the LC number announces life's experience, lessons, talents, hardships, and pleasantries, along with our ultimate goal. It is the subtle and not so subtle driving force within each of us. This single number describes the Who, What, When, Why, and Where of life.

All four of the core numbers are included in the LC number: the Soul Urge, Inner Self, Expression, and the Destiny. Therefore, all that the individual was, is, and will be is revealed by the LC number.

The Life Calling Number is derived from adding the DESTINY (M/D/Y of birth) to the EXPRESSION (Total of Vowels + Consonants).

The Destiny itself is composed of the birth date, including the month, day, and year of birth, as well as the Achievement (month + day). The Expression is the sum of the Soul Urge + the Inner Self.

a. The Destiny itself is composed of the birth date including the day of birth and Achievement

b. The Expression is the sum of the Soul's Urge plus the Inner Self.

Do not become trapped into thinking this powerful component of a life tells all. ­Without the differences in Soul's Urge and Inner Self all Expressions of the same number would be nothing more than carbon copies. The names being different will have dissimilar Inclusion Charts but the Soul's Urge number may be identical. Birth dates though different may result in identical Destiny numbers. Different birth names can result in identical Planes of Expression. The true uniqueness of the individual is revealed in these all-important numbers. It is they that spell out how, and if, the life is to be productive in the earthly sense. We all are here for a purpose that conceivably could include learning the harshest of lessons. To some this will seem to be failure, but in the scheme of eternal life there is another tomorrow. Being fired from a job at age 16 shouldn't so stifle the individual that he doesn't ever work again. Failure of a quiz doesn't mean the course of instruction should be dropped. Should life end in seeming failure it isn't to be seen as release from the Soul's learning; learning did take place and future incarnations will bear this out.

The sooner the LC number is identified the sooner one can make ready for the future.

Down through the ages the numbers and their basic truths have endured. As changes have occurred in life and lifestyles, the interpretations are modified. Just as age, sex, national origins, marital status, etc. affect interpretation so too do technical and scientific advances.

Stress occurs when change and opportunity bring more choices than we'd like to cope with. Remember, we are the same now as in ages past. The numbers are the same too. As an example:

A female born in 1492 A.D. with an LC number of 6.

In those days this number pointed toward family and domestic life with minimal community involvement as the world was less populated. The same Soul incarnated as a female born in New York City in 1899 and having a 6 LC number has marriage, family, and decidedly greater opportunities for more civic involvement, possibly in the Women's Suffrage Movement. The number remained the same and its subtle, not so subtle pull toward involvement with others as a heLC er is the same. It's the increased choices that confuse and often burden the bearer. The same soul reincarnating in 1960 America with the same 6 LC number may have a child with or without marriage, may be a divorcee, lawyer, social worker, chef, conduct any of a variety of schools, etc. thus facing more choices that all relate to the basic 6. No wonder lives seem more stress filled with the passage of time and generations.

It is becoming clearer to health professionals employing various techniques that self‑awareness eliminates stress. There is no more certain cure than that afforded by the numbers --‑ through awareness of their power for good or bad and then acceptance of their influence. Simple. Not necessarily easy though. The prize is inner peace and contentment without stress.

Lest you forget...murder, divorce, mental breakdowns were all occurring in 1492 too. The frequency has changed in proportion to the individual's confusion over choices. The struggle between the physical desires of the mind and the spiritual needs of the Soul is a constant struggle to overcome. The Soul clearly knows the difference between necessity and convenience, essential and frivolous and when you and I go against that inner knowledge the conscience (Soul) will deprive us of the hoped for good feelings. Active full‑time pursuit of the LC number as early as possible assures lasting success, happiness, and stress‑free years of experiencing life.

Until middle age (Pinnacle change closest to 42 years of age), the promise of your LC number and its privileges may not be fully realized. Or you may feel that its requirements are a handicap rather than an opportunity, and that it is impossible for you to become what it suggests. You may be even older before you truly sense this is the pathway of true development. Many people though give up or are too uncertain to make the real effort and eventually ­become "just ordinary people", finding their later years of life dependent and of no real value, when they might have become great or found a place of real usefulness had they followed their dimly sensed inner urges. But it is never too late to mend one's ways, and if the effort is made to be what the LC number proclaims, the experience leads to a re‑birth and realization. For all of us, many of the most important experiences of the lifetime come through the LC number's influence. Good and bad.

Life Calling Number Attractions

The characteristics of the number are being developed lifelong through the variety of experiences gained and the many types of relationships entered to include friendships, romance, acquaintances, family, etc. Some of the deepest come through those persons who have in their chart your LC . An instant attraction or dislike may be felt according to this number. Someone who shares your particular number may be strangely drawn to you for mutual gain, or in a similar way, a very unhappy learning experience depending on where in the other person's chart the number is found.

There are seven (7) important positions where the number may be echoed in your chart as well as others. It is very important to note that it's the position not the number itself which reveals probable harmony or disharmony. It is therefore very important that such indications be more carefully studied than any other number or position and its possibilities be recognized with the others, otherwise life will not bring the Soul the satisfaction that you dreamt of in your youth. For after all, the LC number represents the very essence of experience, not the process by which experience is to be gained. Better to think of it as describing "why" certain experiences befall us or not. The basic positions are:

a. Soul's Urge Number
b. Personality
c. Expression Number
d. Destiny Number
e. Pinnacle Number
f. Personal Year Number
g. Major Challenge Number

When studying a chart in detail and noting repetition of the LC number in any of the above mentioned positions, it clearly indicates opportunity to prepare for later life through the very type of experience the number indicates.

This is the only time that the childhood ambitions should not and probably will not be abandoned as unattainable as expressed through duplication with the Personality. As you know, it is normally and routinely thought of as an impossible dream by most of us by the age of 28 years.

For all of us the Personal Year, when duplicating the LC number, affords opportunities and challenges to advance toward what is intended to be the life's ultimate goal and fulfillment. Not everyone is blessed with any other duplication of numbers and will therefore travel on instinct alone until middle age. Thus, to such persons the Personal Year is very important.

Nature balances! Those with the seemingly difficult paths to follow may well have the duplication of numbers provided to lessen the difficulty, if they will just "listen" to the inner voice.

Difficulty can be anticipated if the number matches a Karmic Lesson number or is found to be life's major challenge. Hard work will bring its own reward to such people.

Relationships via Life Calling (LC ) Numbers


This combination (the most lasting) creates a deep and interesting attraction that is felt by both parties. It may bring a lifelong friendship and a mutual interest may be developed, especially by the one with the LC . From the first there seems to be a warm tie that will last even if later separated. Sometimes a strong antipathy may be noted at the first meeting followed by falling in love because the attraction is so deep. The one with the Soul Urge will usually feel the attraction first. In many cases, this individual gives the most in the way of unselfish friendship, but seems to enjoy doing so. This relationship is not for material gain; instead it is the pathway of "soul mates'.


This attraction offers little in the way of permanency or stability. The attraction is going to be the person with the OUTER Self number feeling as though the person with the LC typifies their inner most dreams and wishes. Since this is not what the person stands for the relationship would be very shallow. Offering social interests (perhaps) maybe even stimulant to the mentality. Challenging the person with the OUTER Self number to make a better presentation of themselves. Generally, such acquaintances teach that it is not wise to judge from appearances, but rather to look beneath the surface in human relationships.


This attraction is not as deep or as lasting as that of the Soul Urge, but none the less two people are often drawn together because of something in the manner or appearance of one or the other that appeals to their tastes or fancies. When a closer association beyond that of an acquaintanceship or friendship is entered into disappointment or unhappiness is generally the result; because there was really no foundation or similarity of character on which to base a relationship.

The reason being the Expression Number represents the appearance, the manner, the outer expression, and doesn't reveal the deeper states of mind, or for that matter, the real quality of character.

Those persons who have the personality number may attract the individual with the LC number. Possibly again because of looks, the way they dress, or the way they express themselves in social activities. And it usually is the social activities in which they meet, possibly even seeming to be the ideal couple. But caution, this fancy should not be taken too seriously because it may not mean happiness. A man may see something attractive in the expression of a women and fall in love with her because she represents, in her physical manner, what he is developing mentally through the demands of his LC number. He soon discovers that he was mislead by appearances, because she doesn't have the character to satisfy his developing nature. A woman may meet a man in the same way and also be deceived by appearances.


Although the attraction may not be a deep or lasting one, much benefit can be realized through this particular association if it is rightfully understood. The person with the Destiny number has a vague desire to take part in the activities, enterprises, social activities, or maybe even to enter the career field of the person with the LC number. There may be little understanding or appreciation of character by either party, because this association has more to do with worldly activities then with the urge of the Soul. Such a relationship is not often carried beyond an experience which teaches a lesson that is sometimes easily forgotten by the person with the Destiny number; however, it leaves a mark on the person with the LC number. That person will have had an opportunity to develop character, even though hardly recognizable at the time. Often, the relationship will not go beyond the social or business contact.

Now and then unhappy experiences will result because of this sort of attraction. Each trying to make use of the other to further his or her own ends without giving anything in exchange. Deep feelings can be stirred up, jealousy aroused, and a strong dislike felt underneath the manner of friendliness.

­If the LC person is not aware of what may be gained by the association, he or she may covet what the Destiny person has or seems to be doing, and can cause trouble from this desire. But it is the LC number person that must have the self control and make the effort to learn the lesson which must be gained. You see, in the Destiny person, they are meeting an outside condition that will force them to develop their own character. They must give something of their-self in return for the lesson they are learning, because its only when there is a real desire to improve the Self that the exchange of experience is of value to either. In this relationship the Destiny person gains the better expression while the LC person finds their-self and develops their talents and abilities.

LC and LC :

As the LC number shows the development to be made during a lifetime, two people with the same LC number will show an interesting attraction and realize they have a great deal in common, because they are both going on the same direction on the highway of life. This is an attraction which can result in much good, and leave its mark on the character of each, they can support each other in the experiences they are taking for growth and development (even if they seem to have different natures). The relationship time may be unusual, out of the ordinary, with no binding tie or demand on either party beyond the mutual sharing and pleasure they find in being with someone of their own type or interests. The time may last a lifetime, if the lessons demanded of each are gained at the same rate of unfoldment. However, it’s not uncommon to find the relationship broken up no matter how strong the tie may be if spiritual development isn't equal. And sometimes too, circumstances brought about by a different Destiny may lead them apart, even though the purpose they serve is similar. Working in common can lead to splendid results, empathy, and a satisfaction not experienced by other ties in life.


Each year of life brings its particular opportunities and requirements. Change is the watch word of progress.

Although we are each born for a special Destiny, each year brings a force to be met for future growth and development.

We climb up the ladder of life step by step and the Personal Year represents the step one must take at a particular time to make real progress. When the person with the LC number meets someone in the same Personal Year, the experience taking place will be very vital and have a great deal of influence on the future. It can be said that when we meet our own LC number in our own Personal Year, the same experience occurs. No matter how important other years may seem to be, this matching of Personal Years is very important. Therefore, every effort should be made to take advantage of the opportunity. The other person having the Personal Year number matching the LC number will feel drawn toward that individual, because it will seem they have the answers on how to handle that particular personal year. They find themselves associated in various enterprises, projects, or the sharing of mutual interests. Unless other personal numbers are strongly compatible, the relationship will only last for the duration of the Personal Year.


There are four important cycles to be lived through during a lifetime, they are called the Pinnacles of Attainment, or Pinnacles for short, and operate independent of character. If the LC number matches the Pinnacle, that cycle is most important for the future. Because during the time of the Pinnacle the individual has the opportunity to work along the lines of their LC number and to succeed through their activities. Conversely, if the LC number does not appear on any Pinnacle, it will take place more generally, and it's apt to be late in life before its full power is realized.

A person meeting another whose Pinnacle matches the LC number will find themselves closely associated (as in Personal Years) perhaps for the duration of the Pinnacle. All things being equal, the association will only last as long as the Pinnacle, for the LC number does not describe the direction in which we travel, only the area we are drawn to. If the Destiny and/or the Destiny Direction is not the same then these two persons would grow apart.


If the LC number is the same as the Major Challenge or Magi Problem on the same chart, it assures that many obstacles will be met in accomplishing the LC number. Or the person will seem to suffer until they correct the indicated weakness. On the other hand, if a person has a challenge that equals your LC number, you would meet a very big test through that person's Expression and character.



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