Saturday, April 26, 2008

Myths & Themes

The schism between what we perceive as our Wounds and their hidden benefits, blessings, lessons,Gifts and Service is aptly summarized in the animal (lower) half of the symbol of the centaur. Thecentaur was half horse (animal, lower nature) and half man (human, higher nature). The wounded legof the centaur, Chiron, symbolizes the Woundedness of our lower nature—a nature that sees one sideof the world while repressing, ignoring, denying, disowning, condemning and/or failing toacknowledge the other balancing sides. Such is the origin of blame.
However, as we shine a light upon our Darkness, seeking out the balancing sides, so our lowernature is Healed, transformed, unified, wholed, rejoining with our higher human nature.Chiron’s message is only understood when we understand and appreciate that the world we seearound us is a world of perceived duality. Everything in existence has an equal and oppositecompanion, albeit often hidden from us in the beginning. Modern quantum physics concurs with thisview in its conception of matter and anti-matter. Such is the eastern view, too—yin and yang, for example. However, to put it more poetically, we quote from Emerson:
“Every excess causes a defect; every defect an excess. Every sweet hath its sour; every evil its good.Every faculty which is a receiver of pleasure has an equal penalty put on its abuse. It is to answer forits moderation with its life. For every grain of wit there is a grain of folly. For everything you havemissed, you have gained something else; and for everything you gain, you lose something. If richesincrease, they're increased that use them. If the gatherer gathers too much, nature takes out of theman what she puts into his chest; swells the estate, but kills the owner. Nature hates monopolies andexceptions.”

Why the world presents a dualistic face is, in the final analysis, all a matter of perception. It is allabout consciousness. The astrology chart is, in the final analysis, a Mandala of consciousness. Again,quantum physics can teach us much concerning this topic. However, we have gotten ahead ofourselves . . .
Many other mythic, archetypal and symbolic examples are available. Each reveals its secrets in thewake of the Chiron paradigm. More than this, each mirrors and supports the Chiron paradigm. Whyand how this is so will only become apparent as we draw increasingly wide circles around our topic ofstudy.

Chiron Astrology

Chiron, in the natal chart, points to the place of our greatest Wounds—the things we feel are the
most missing, wrong, unjust, painful or lacking in our lives. In this place, we harbor bottled-up
negative emotions, traumatic memories, past life issues and ‘rooms’ within us where we either fear to tread or that we would rather avoid, ignore, condemn or banish altogether.
However, hidden within this place of Darkness lie all the balancing sides of the equation—the
benefits, blessings, lessons, Gifts and Service of each and every one of our issues. Through the
Darkness lies the Light. When we try to avoid the Darkness, the Darkness persists and blocks our way. Inherent within the Wound itself lays the Healing path. As we approach the Wound, so its hidden aspects are illuminated, allowing growth, transformation, Healing and evolution of consciousness. If we understand the principles involved, each person’s Healing path can be clearly seen in the natal chart. Perhaps the most striking symbol of Chiron’s Healing process was presented in the animated film, “The Dark Crystal,” where the dark and light sides of the psyche, represented by different races of creatures, joined into one ‘super-race’ of Light beings via the Healing of a fractured crystal. Of all the psychologists of the last hundred years, perhaps Jung came closest to understanding this principle of rejoining our light and dark sides (individuation). All that remained was to define the exact nature of the light and dark sides of the psyche. Chiron points the way to just such definition.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Yearly Horoscope Predictions : 2008 Pisces

Income and Properties

Success in, enterprises, profits from work or currently engaged activities. Increase of income position and bank balances will improve. A good time to start new ventures or apply for loans. This transit indicates new friendships and relationships and gain through them. Financial gain and profits. May expand the business for definite profit. Friends and relations will be helpful and sincere. Gain of money and property, fame, position, promotion, honour, this is a very good period coming after a period of difficulties and hardships and at last you can relax and enjoy the Success and the results of the hard work you had been doing for a long time. Previous work, as well as newly starting works will bring good and desired results, your cherished desires will be fulfilled. Help from superiors or people in responsible or influential positions can be expected

Ketu transiting the 5th house denotes Loss through speculations such as risky investments or stock market speculations. Which should be avoided. Also doing remedies are advised in order to gain the best results during this period.

Domestic Environment:

Provided that remedies are done to remove the effects of planets in your horoscope, this is a period which may bring happy time with the family, success, pleasant functions, a time of peace, happiness and tranquility in the family. Happy occasions in the family and invitations to auspicious functions of friends and relatives. Purchase of new expensive items, good food, increase of the name and fame in family and friends circle, happy long tours, to places of interest such as visit to birth place or relatives, will meet close relatives or friends whom you have not seen for a long time allowing you to renew the friendships or contacts.

Otherwise, there may be a lot of traveling but those will bring very little results.. Change to the place of work or residence. A difficult period for the family members, silly quarrel, misunderstanding and arguments can disturb the peace and tranquility of the family, people jealous of you can cause problems, a pleasure seeking attitude with chances to be involved in romantic situation may cause un based accusations and unhappiness in the family.

If the situations such as the above mentioned are beginning to occur, then checking of your horoscope and doing remedies are advised in order to gain the best results during this period.


A bad period in regard to the happiness from children, if a child is expected in the family then should be very careful of Abortions, or loss of children or separation from children, worries and losses through children are indicated. Dissatisfaction in romance and emotions can cause difficult situations in the family. A difficult period in regard to your health or the health of the family members or children, will be inclined to do physical exercises fitness and hygiene related activities.

Yearly Horoscope Predictions : 2008 Aquarius

Income and Properties

Good period to start a new business or an education. The properties or business activities or education you lost or neglected can be reclaimed again or will start again with a new vigor. Will learn new things and meet new people who will help and advice you. May get profits or income from the properties. You may be able to save some money and the bank balances may improve. May get a new position or will move in to a new place. Because of the increased amount of traveling, you may experience some hindrances for the normal flow of work and sleep, you need to be careful and patient when dealing with public as there could be some problems emanating from public relations or customer service or team work situations which will lead to some complaints against you. Should try to consolidate your position as any loss of position suffered at this period will be hard to over come at letter period. Increased expenditure and reduced income can cause financial stress. Loss of property or difficulties in relation to a money transaction can cause worries or unnecessary problems.

Domestic Environment:

Opportunities will come to meet attractive and charming people of opposite sex. Ceremonies or auspicious functions such as marriages or engagements or other such happy occasions. Gains of articles of luxury. Will attend to ceremonies or enjoyable occasions.

But at the same time, people jealous of you can cause problems, may get un based accusations and unhappiness in the family. Troubles through enemies can bring difficulties. Should be very patient in handling day to day affairs and matters should be settled amicably and litigations or seeking legal help should be avoided as it could lead to unfavorable for you decisions and high expenses.

If the situations such as the above mentioned are beginning to occur, then checking of your horoscope and doing remedies are advised in order to gain the best results during this period.


Good health, but care of health should be taken, should not over strain.

Yearly Horoscope Predictions : 2008 Capricorn

Income and Properties

Rahu’s transit in the first house will make you busy and industrious, some new ways of developing your career or income such as , properties, business or education may open up for you to explore new opportunities. This transit of Rahu indicates that you become self willed and develop the personality to show your talent. Previously neglected activities or things will recommence with new vigor, things which were unsettled will gradually settle down with definite direction and fixed purpose, the opportunities will open up purchasing valuable things for low price, will get gains or new uses through old properties or machineries or recyclable materials.

You will spend money and will engage in ventures in the hope of future profits, at a letter period of time you will reap benefits of this labor. But it will take at least another 2 years to get some results from it.

If the situations such as the below mentioned are beginning to occur, then the reason for that is, the current movement of Saturn in the 8th house. This transit is a bad period called “Ashtama Aerashtaka” and at present you are passing a such period.

Domestic Environment:

A new position or a responsibility or a commitment such as starting of a new project or an education or business venture or a building project can lead to numerous head aches or difficulties such as tiresome journeys or increased amount of work. A period of very high and unexpected expenses. Troubles in the work place. Your good name or the reputation is at risk. You may become angry unusually quick. Therefore the patience needs to be cultivated at this period in order to gain the happiness in the domestic front. You have to be very careful of unexpected incidents such as accidents and sudden ailments. Generally this is a bad period which suddenly brings difficulties and mental torment through various different ways.

Therefore checking of your horoscope and doing remedies are advised in order to gain the best results during this period.


Weakness in the body and frequent pains or aches. Painful wound or a ache in the left side of the body specially in the left leg or arm. Bad period in regard to health. Feeling of weakness in the body and tiresome journeys or accidents during travels. Possibility of getting hemorrhoids or problems associated with back or spinal area, therefore should be very careful of what you eat and drink, Should take proper rest and sleep.

Yearly Horoscope Predictions : 2008 Sagittarius

Income and Properties

This is a period which can bring you some sudden fortunes. Good period to apply for bank loans for further development of your properties or business. Will get a chance to renovate or repair the valuable possessions belong to you, gains through legacies are also a possibility. Relations with the persons of good standing and position will be helpful and you may derive gain out of that.

Things to be careful during this period are, paying high fees or penalties, excessive taxes or duties, troubles from pests, thieves or people jealous of you. A tiresome work schedule and increased traveling can be a hindrance. Problems at work due to difficulties in finding proper instructions or qualified advice or suitable people to handle the required demand. You need to become practical, have physical endurance and perseverance during this period in order to gain the good outcomes.

Domestic Environment:

You need to be patient and tactful in handling relationship matters both within and the outside of the family at this period, in such case domestic bliss, all round cooperation and happiness can be the reward from your loved ones and associates, victory over opponents and pleasant functions or enjoyable moments, such as attendance to occasions like marriages, parties or romantic situations are also the likely outcomes.

Otherwise this transit can produce some undesired results such as, travels and separation from family, strained relations due to enrolment in romantic relationships or unconventional ways of gaining pleasures. Difficulties in partnership situations or marriage. Troubles in relation to love or romantic affairs.

If the situations such as the below mentioned are beginning to occur, then checking of your horoscope and doing remedies are advised in order to gain the best results during this period.


Health wise this is a good period for you but should be careful about stress related complications such as loosing of weight and weakness in the body , it is also likely that you may learn a bad news regarding a close associate or a friend of yours, which will bring sadness to you. Some sort of climatic changes or unsuitable food or drinks can case illness for a number of people in the family at once therefore taking unfamiliar food should be avoided as much as possible.

Yearly Horoscope Predictions : 2008 Scorpio

Income and Properties

Jupiter transiting the 2nd house is a good period, your salary or income other activities may increase. This is a good period to buy new properties, start new ventures or business activities or to apply for promotions. Will get a chance to learn new things or innovative ideas. Saturn transiting the 10th House brings in your way prosperity and success in undertakings through new employment opportunities or changes in the profession. Therefore changes is career is on the agenda during this period. Though financially rewarding, you will find that the new income opportunities unfolded are physically demanding and tiresome with less opportunity to relax and enjoy the life.

Domestic Environment:

If the situations such as the below mentioned are beginning to occur, then checking of your horoscope and doing remedies are advised in order to gain the best results during this period.

Problems in the family and specially the health or elderly relatives can cause you concern. A long distance travel under stressful situations is also possible at this period. Will be forced to spend time money and energy on things which are unprofitable or less rewarding. But you need to be careful of getting an un based accusation which could give you a bad name or having a problem with some relatives friends or neighbors.

You will find it difficult to maintain a regular household routine due to various obstacles, which will make you worried and desirous of peace and harmony thus you will be more spiritualistic and will begin to visit religious places more often than you used to be. Or else visits to places of interest such as visit to birth place or relatives, will meet close relatives or friends whom you have not seen for a long time allowing you to renew the friendships or contacts. Ketu’s transit in 9th house denote prophetic dreams pilgrimage and religious and philosophical ideas.


This is not a good period for the health of the elderly relatives in the family or parents. You also should be careful of chest pains or back pains at this period.

Yearly Horoscope Predictions : 2008 Libra

Income and Properties

Previous work, as well as newly starting works will bring good and desired results, your cherished desires will be fulfilled bring you prosperity fame and good income or profits. Income from properties or earth such as real estate, building activities, or lands. Purchase of new properties or engaging in new careers business. Help from superiors or people in responsible or influential positions. Ketu transiting the 10 th house, you will gain through profession by hard work and may receive recognition or award of the same type or may become leader of the mass at work place this transit brings in your way prosperity and success in undertakings through new employment opportunities. Therefore changes in career is also on the agenda during this period. Though financially rewarding, you will find that the new income opportunities unfolded are physically demanding and tiresome with less opportunity to relax and enjoy the life.

Domestic Environment:

Increased work load and less time to spend with the family can case stress and problems in the family front if you are not able to balance the two areas resulting irritations, family disputes and unhappy atmosphere, ill health to spouse and family members are also the things to be expected leading to increased expenditure. this is also a period which can create troubles or messy situations due to carelessness or negligence creating worries and unnecessary troubles therefore you should be very careful in sighing agreements or contracts and also in purchase of valuable possessions .

If the situations such as the above mentioned are beginning to occur, then checking of your horoscope and doing remedies are advised in order to gain the best results during this period.

Provided that you do remedies, Rahu transiting the 4th House, can be helpful in relation to acquiring landed property , or conveyance. Purchase of new expensive items, good food, increase of the name and fame in family and friends circle, happy long tours, to places of interest such as visit to birth place or relatives, will meet close relatives or friends whom you have not seen for a long time allowing you to renew the friendships or contacts.


This is not a good period for the health of the elderly relatives in the family or parents. You also should be careful of chest pains or back pains at this period. Some what a bad period for health. You need to be careful and look after the health as the previous ailments or sicknesses such as asthma, heart burn or head pains may appear again if the health is neglected.

Yearly Horoscope Predictions : 2008 Virgo

Income and Properties

Saturn is transiting the 12 th house of your horoscope and this is a beginning of a period called “Lagna Aerashtaka”, therefore you need to do remedies to correct the influence of Saturn. Provided that you do necessary remedies then the other transits of planets indicates new friendships and relationships and gain through them. Financial gain and profits. May expand the business for definite profit. Friends and relations will be helpful and sincere. Gain of money and property, fame, position, promotion, honour, this could become a very good period coming after a period of difficulties and hardships and at last you can relax and enjoy the Success and the results of the hard work you had been doing for a long time. Previous work, as well as newly starting works will bring good and desired results, your cherished desires will be fulfilled bring you prosperity fame and good income or profits. Income or profits from properties such as real estate, building activities, or lands. Purchase of new properties or engaging in new careers business. Help from superiors or people in responsible or influential positions can be expected provided that you do the remedies for the Saturn’s malefic effects.

If you are feeling undesirable things such as below said, the reason for that is the Saturn’s transit over the 12th house, As I said before, this is a bad period called “Lagna Aerashtaka”, currently you are passing such period, for some Virgo born people this is a difficult time.

Domestic Environment:

A troublesome period for the family members, silly quarrels, misunderstanding and arguments can disturb the peace and tranquility of the family, people jealous of you can cause problems, thus may get un based accusations and create unhappiness in the family. Association with new people are shown, a new person previously not much known will join the family. Ex. a distant relative, a border, a new friend or an in-law or a person currently passing some difficult period of adjustment and you may have to help, share things or do things such as taking to doctor or undergo some troubles in order to look after that person. Difficulties in regard to properties may also a possibility. Problems or misunderstandings with family members or relatives.

If such situations are beginning to occur, then checking of your horoscope and doing remedies are advised in order to gain the best results during this period.


Health complications affecting the face area such as problems in teeth, or rashes or pimples, headaches and the problems in limbs such as accidents to hands or feet specially the left side of the body is likely. Should be careful of accidents while traveling. Doing remedies for Saturn at this period is highly advised.

Yearly Horoscope Predictions : 2008 Leo

Income and Properties

Jupiter is passing over the 5th house and this transit can bring forward some improvements to career, income or properties such as obstacles in regard to work or the indecisiveness about the current situation will be removed and the work or the activities which were in suspense will renew with new vigor, promotions or engagement in new activities or relationships. Income or the position will be improved and gain of profits from work or the business activities. Government or employers favour and good cooperation. Defeat of enemies, increased property, gain of knowledge, favour from superiors and success can be expected during this year.

If you are feeling undesirable things such as below said, the reason for that is the Saturn’s transit over the first house, which is a bad period called “Lagna Aerashtaka”, currently you are passing such period, for some Leo born people this is a difficult time to gain the due recognition for their efforts in the career or education, hard difficult work schedule but no appreciation or recognition for your contribution, tiresome journeys, obstructions and delay in getting desired results, suspense and uncertainties about future, high expenses and reduced income, or else gain of wealth but loss there of as soon as gained. Engagement in hard difficult tasks at work or education

If such situations are beginning to occur, then checking of your horoscope and doing remedies are advised in order to gain the best results during this period.

Domestic Environment:

Provided that you do remedies, success in enterprises, profits from work or currently engaged activities. Increase of income position and bank balances will improve. A good time to start new ventures or apply for loans. Should be of firm views and practical in order to gain the benefits from this transit. Such as a happy time with the family, success, pleasant functions, a time of peace, happiness and tranquility in the family. Happy occasions in the family and invitations to auspicious functions of friends and relatives. Purchase of new expensive items, good food, increase of the name and fame in family and friends circle, happy long tours, to places of interest such as visit to birth place or relatives, will meet close relatives or friends whom you have not seen for a long time allowing you to renew the friendships or contacts.


But if nothing is done to remove the melfic effects of Saturns transit, then during this period, you should be ready to incur unexpected high expenses, the health of family members such as children, spouse and close relations can be affected. Problems with neighbors or relatives are also likely. Food not to taste, afraid of enemies, disharmony, disagreement and disputes, our, obstruction and delay in undertakings, failure in attempts, increase in expenditure. Troubles from enemies or people jealous of you. Be patient in troubles as this is a hard and difficult period any once life.

Yearly Horoscope Predictions : 2008 Cancer

Income and Properties

This is a period of high expenses as Saturn is currently moving in your 2nd house, will spend money on useless things or ventures, even though the earnings will be good, the high expenses will make the overall financial position difficult. Sometimes the income due, may get held up resulting losses or getting loans to cover expenses with financial stress, reduced comforts, disturbed peace of mind, gain of wealth but loss thereof. Possibility of being victimized by the dishonest conduct of others. Should try to consolidate your position as any loss of position suffered at this period will be hard to over come at letter period. But if handled tactfully there are chances for the improvement of your position for better.

Domestic Environment:

You need to be patient and tactful in handling relationship matters both within and the outside of the family at this period, in such case domestic bliss, all round cooperation and happiness can be the reward from your loved ones and associates, victory over opponents and pleasant functions such as marriage or romantic situations parties are also the likely outcomes.

Otherwise certain transits can produce some undesired results such as, troubles in relation to love or romantic affairs. Possible separation from the partner or troubles in the family. A difficult period for the family members, people jealous of you can also cause problems. Troubles through enemies can bring difficulties, a bad period for spouse or a family member or a person close and helpful to you.

If such situations are beginning to occur, then checking of your horoscope and doing remedies are advised in order to gain the best results during this period.


Health complications affecting the face area such as problems in teeth, or rashes or pimples, headaches are likely also the problems in limbs such as accidents to hands or feet specially the left side of the body is likely. Problems in relation to sexual organs or urinary tract, kidneys are areas of concern, problems of teeth or blood are also of concern

Yearly Horoscope Predictions : 2008 Gemini

Income and Properties

Saturn transiting the 3rd House brings in your way a good period after suffering a long period of difficulties and hardships, at last you can relax and enjoy the Success and the results of the hard work you had been doing for a long time. Previous work, as well as newly starting works will bring good and desired results, your cherished desires will be fulfilled and bring you prosperity fame and good income or profits.

Income from properties or earth such as real estate, building activities, or lands. Purchase of new properties or engaging in new careers business. Help from superiors or people in responsible or influential positions can be expected.

Domestic Environment:

For some Gemini people, certain transits can produce some undesired results such as, travels and separation from family, strained relations due to enrolment in romantic relationships or unconventional ways of gaining pleasures. Difficulties in partnership situations or marriage. Troubles in relation to love or romantic affairs. Possible separation from the partner or troubles in the family. You may get angry unusually quick and, therefore you need to be patient else loved ones and the family members will start to turn away from you.

If such situations are beginning to occur, then checking of your horoscope and doing remedies are advised in order to gain the best results during this period.


Eye and teeth problems are possible health complications during this period. You may hear some bad news about the health of a loved one in the family. Some sort of climatic changes or unsuitable food or drinks can case illness for a number of people in the family at once therefore taking unfamiliar food should be avoided as much as possible.

Yearly Horoscope Predictions : 2008 Aries

Income and Properties

Success in examinations or promotion or increased recognition in occupation. Increased corporation from the family. Help from people who live in far away places or foreign associates. Profits from the business or transactions with distant areas or foreign associates. Purchase of new properties or engaging in new careers business. Help from superiors or people in responsible or influential positions.

This is a very good period coming after a period of difficulties and hardships and at last you can relax and enjoy the Success and the results of the hard work you had been doing for a long time. Previous work, as well as newly starting works will bring good and desired results, your cherished desires will be fulfilled bring you prosperity fame and good income or profits.

Domestic Environment:

Possibility of learning of new things or languages. Association with new teachers or religious people. New additions to the family. Increased income and purchase of new expensive household items. New additions to the family such as marriages or birth of children, pleasant functions, recognition of service, enjoyment with opposite sex, agreeable events, outstanding reports, gain of wealth, new properties, pleasure, prosperity, success in undertakings.

The melfic effects expected during this period is that, you may likely to get big punishments for small mistakes hence need to be very patient in troubles otherwise, false allegations, disputes, loss of money and children, litigation, increased expenditure, confusion, disputes and separation from family. Mental agony.


Difficulty in sleep or some problem in lower abdomen are is likely. A bad period for the children in the family, a difficult period in relation to health or else stubbornness of their behaviors. Illnesses such as fever, indigestion or heart burn or blood related complications are likely outcomes of this period. The death or a serious illness of a close one or a relative may bring sadness to you.

Therefore doing remedies are advised in order to gain the best results during this period.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Gemini man and Scorpio woman

Geminisadface included his birth time and writes,

im a gemini. there is this scorpio girl i knew when i was about 15 and she really liked me. i didnt get it. she had a boyfriend and she would always tell me how she wanted to dump her boyfriend for me. i thought of her as my friend but i never gave any interest in her so i couldnt understand why she wanted me so bad. she made me feel good but i guess it just scared me so i pushed her as far away as i could. so she has been out of my life for 7 years and ive been around the block and found that im pretty good at attracting all types of women. my problem is that i constantly change my mind about what i want. so now she is back.

i had an experience recently that changed my whole life in which i realized the error of my ways. i realized that i had been destructive and selfish. i realized that my whole path of destruction goes all the way back to her. i was afraid to be loved by someone. 7 years later i realize that i have always loved her. i have been talking to her again and she is suspicious of me as ever. she hides everything so well but i am sure i stir emotions inside her. i cant get her to lift her veil of mystery. i havent told her the extent of my feelings though. shes the one girl right now that i couldnt change my mind about the way i feel about her even if i wanted to.

so now the roles are reversed. i want her so badly and she cant understand it at all. i know i deserve this. i have accepted the fact that i may have missed out on one of the most special people to come into my life. i will refuse to give up because it is just too important to me and i will continue on paying for the sins i have committed for the rest of my life if thats my fate.

she symbolizes my transition from a life of evil to a life of good. i have always dreamed of the perfect love story and it makes me so sad that the perfect love story was there when i was a kid but i didnt see it. things are going really slow but i think if i persist then maybe i could possibly have her. i want her more than any girl but there is a lot of temptation around me. i dont want to forget about how wonderful she is like i did before when we were children.

so i have tried small talk and flirting, that didnt work. i have tried opening up and showing my emotions and that worked a little better.

my question is how can i get her to come out of her shell and come back into my life in some capacity? friend or lover. i want her in my life. should i just accept it and settle for another girl? or is it possible for me to recapture the affections of the scorpion?
No wonder you have no problem attracting women: your Venus in assertive Aries and Mars in sociable Gemini are making a beneficial 60-degree aspect (called a "sextile") to each other. This means your love and sex planets work together harmoniously. Unfortunately, frequently changing your mind about the type of woman you want is common for a Gemini, and especially for yourself, since your Sun (self-expression), Mars (sexual desire) and Mercury (communication) are all in this restless sign.

Your life-changing event might be related to Pluto's recent exit from the last degrees of Sagittarius (where the Lord of the Underworld -- which recently stationed retrograde -- will return). The planet of compulsion, destruction and eventual rebirth was making a challenging aspect (opposition) to your Mars and a more supportive aspect (trine) to your Venus. Pluto dragged your style of relating into the depths of Hell (aka, your psyche) to transform your fear of being loved into an ability to face your Terror straight in the eyes. (We hope.)

The ruler of your Seventh House of Partnership -- with Capricorn on the cusp -- is Saturn in Scorpio. And your Saturn is within a degree of conjoining her Scorpio Sun, so I understand why you feel she's The One -- your relationship significator is unified with her basic self. The problem could be that your Saturn is on her Sun. (View her chart to the right.) Saturn is the planet of restriction and judgment. She may feel that her relationship with you brings with it a sense of hardship. CafeAstrology has an excellent description of this interaspect:

One strong factor that attracted you to each other (perhaps unconsciously) is the feeling that you can have a deep, stable, permanent relationship and settle down together, facing life's responsibilities in a mature way, tackling challenges together such as raising children, becoming financially secure, etc. These concerns can gradually cause your relationship to become too absorbed with "serious" matters, causing both of you to feel limited and stifled by the relationship. Saturn has a strong tendency to criticize and judge Sun's actions, sometimes accurately and sometimes unjustly. Saturn should guard against this tendency to dampen Sun's enthusiasm, and Sun needs to avoid being overly sensitive to Saturn's suggestions and criticisms. Saturn's tendency to dominate, control, or even repress Sun makes Sun feel resentful at times, and Sun may feel lowered vitality and self-confidence after being with Saturn for a long time. You must make room for lightness and play, or you both will feel burdened by the tone that is set between you. Remember that there is a solid sense of being able to depend on one another, and this is a precious gift. Saturn may not be aware of the limiting effect Saturn has on Sun, and Sun would do well to understand that Saturn has this influence due to insecurities. There can be some haughty and judgmental exchanges between the two of you at times, and it is wise to step back and examine exactly why this happens! Saturn can easily feel threatened by Sun's expressions of growth and individuality, because Saturn feels much more safe when Sun stays the same! Growth on Sun's part does not mean growing apart from Saturn, and Saturn would do well to understand this.

As you can see, this connection with your Scorpio love interest has its challenges, but can also reward you with the stability you crave. I'd suggest that you monitor any tendencies towards being critical of her. And if you're willing, be radically honest about your fear of being loved, your self-destructiveness and how you've come to the other side of your life-changing epiphany. Scorpios appreciate people who've risen from the ashes.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Major Personality Traits

Major Personality Traits :

Day of Birth -- a brief, first look at your character

Life Path -- your natural tendencies, abilities, and attitude toward the world

Destiny (Expression) -- the purpose, goal, and direction of your life; what you will tackle and manifest

Heart's Desire -- your inner motivation and most cherished values; what you choose to undertake

Personality -- your outward appearance and how others see you; what they define as you Habit

Realization -- the sum total of your Birthpath and Destiny; your achievement in this life

The Pinnacles -- the environment, people, and opportunities indicated in the four phases of your life

The Challenges -- companions of the Pinnacles, these define the lessons and liabilities you must confront

Personal Year -- what you must accomplish during the course of the year

Personal Month -- what to expect and what to do month by month

Personal Day -- prospects for the special days of your life

Universal Year -- indicates how world affairs affect humanity and your own personal numbers

Compatibility Between -- how your major numbers combine with those of Two People your partner (spouse, roommate, boss, coworker, or business associate).

Numerology Terms

Cerebral power is calculated and graphed to reflect a head or intellectual connection between two people.

Some numbers or number associations and connections form and develop blocks. Blocks are challenges and obstructions that delay and deter action from transpiring. Challenges teach and guide us to improve and revise our life. The more blocks in a chart the more lessons the person has to experience. For example 13 is the challenge to learn to recreate and build.

A numerology profile consists of 6 numbers that are determined by your birth certificate name and date of birth. These 6 numbers produce your primary personality traits. The combination of the 6 numbers connect to form 15 secondary personality traits. Now there are 15 secondary personality extensions or ramifications of your prototype. Alas that is why you are one of a kind. No one in the universe would have your identical 21 traits. Indeed the human personality is very complex and intricate like a labyrinth with numerous and unlimited possibilities.

Measures the strength of particular areas in a chart and displays the results in a graph format.

Measures how suitable and consistent you are with your mate. A compatibility chart blends and merges the two charts together. A matrix is formed which produces compatible and incompatible areas.

Each person forms a new personality when you blend two charts together to form another entity. Like a chemical equation you are adding 2 ingredients to produce a different element that can cause major changes. Your own personality could differ tremendously depending on the relationship you choose to be involved with, hence the theory of the other partner making or breaking his or her mate. The 6 numbers from each chart combine to generate 36 compatibility traits. These 36 compatibility traits define the newborn association with unique characteristics and attributes. Some traits appear to be conflicting, however relationships are very complex and at times we harmonize and at times we clash with our partner

Extra Power is added to your chart if your birthday has the same number for the month and the day, for example: 1/1, 2/2, 3/3, 4/4 etc. Duplicate Power: If a number is repeated in the primary traits then the person has duplicate power. This factor adds points to the chart because the personality strengthens as there are now 5 different numbers not 6.

Emotional power is calculated and graphed to reflect attitude, feelings, sensitivity, and temperament.

A person that has experienced several of life's lessons.

Talents and presents were bestowed to you at birth. These benefits are recognized and derived by the numbers in your chart. For example 26 is the gift of youth.

Intelligence power is calculated and graphed to reflect an astute and cerebral sense.

Intuitive power is calculated and graphed to reflect a strong psyche and instinctive sense.

What goes around comes around! The karmic debt or reward you have incurred individually or with another is tallied up using numbers that are specifically karmic. For example some karmic numbers are : 26 and 35. Some -karmic numbers are: 13 and 15. The total points reflects positive, negative, or no karma. Either you will be compensated for your positive karma, you will have to clear your karma and settle the score, or you have a clean slate and have no karma .

This system prepared by Number Power assigns numerical values to each day in a month and combines that information with the person's chart. The system then calculates and figures which days have more power and allocates a value placement for each day of the month. The higher the number on the scale the more luck that would be bestowed to the person for that day.

This system selects numbers from the person's chart and then combines that information with each day of the month to produce a monthly set of various combinations to enhance the person's chances of winning.

If two number add to 100 or 111 those 2 number combinations make a magic connection. For example: 45 55 = 100 or 35 76 = 111. The magic connection in an individual chart means the person adds power points to the total of the person's chart. In addition this aspect produces a magical quality to the personality of the individual. The magic connection in a compatibility chart means the couple adds more power points to the total of their chart. In addition the twosome would have a magical quality to their relationship.

Master numbers are double and triple digits that repeat the same number two or three times. For example some double master numbers are: 33, 44, 55. For example some triple master numbers are: 111, 222. These double and triple configurations in an individual chart add power points to the total of the person's chart. In addition this aspect bestows expert skills to the individual. These double and triple configurations in a compatibility chart means the couple adds more power points to the total of their chart, In addition the twosome would be closely linked and strongly bonded.

Material power is calculated and graphed to reflect business and financial gains.

If two numbers are in opposite positions or a mirror reflection of each other this is called a mirror connection. For example some mirror connections are: 01 and 10 24 and 42. This configuration in an individual chart adds more power points to the person's chart. This configuration in a compatibility chart means the couple adds more power points to the chart. In addition this adds a complimentary factor to both charts.

: Number Power is a system written and created by Anne Stearn Lynch that assigns power points to numbers, classifies numbers into different categories, applies definitions and meanings to numbers, and specifies a scale to select values to number totals. The Number Power program incorporates 86 different numbers to enhance the individuality of personalities and character traits. In addition, all 86 numbers reflect an astrological and tarot connection that are built into the interpretation and definition of the number meaning.

This symbol means the primary, secondary, or compatible trait is in the chart once, and has a single impact on the individual or couple.

This symbol means the primary, secondary, or compatibility trait is in the chart twice and has double impact on the individual or couple.

This symbol means the primary, secondary, or compatibility trait is in the chart three times and has triple impact on the individual or couple.

This symbol means the primary, secondary, or compatibility trait is in the chart four times and has quadruple impact on the individual or couple

Double, triple, and quadruple power bestows additional points to the chart to increase the intensity or power of the individual or couple. In addition, soul, mirror, and magic power adds more bonus points to the chart to extend the total. *See individual explanations.

Numerology is the study of the mysterious and hidden meaning of numbers and their relevance to our society and existence, Numerology grew as a branch of mathematics a more concrete and operational system of numbers. However, to use numerology successfully one must implement mathematical symbols, computations, and logarithms. This data forms a numerological chart that can explain one's personality and predict their future. Numerology has also been advantageous in forecasting lottery numbers, lucky combinations, lucky days, compatibility's, predictable patterns, names, house numbers, and other miscellaneous facts.

A person who has experienced all of life's lessons.

Physical power is calculated and graphed to reflect vitality, fitness, endurance, and passion.

The total points in the chart reflects the power of the chart. 1-3 represents powerful, 4-7 represents more powerful, and 7-10 represents most powerful. The more powerful the chart the more personal power that is bestowed upon the individual or couple.

The six numbers calculated by the chart form the primary traits. Three numbers are derived from the birth date. Three numbers are derived from the name. These numbers are assigned a number value and classified . These numbers remain constant and do not change. Primary traits are the main and most active traits of the person and are assigned more points.

A zero at the end of a number adds power points to the chart total. For example some zero numbers are: 30 and 50. These numbers add protection and magnify attributes in individual and compatibility charts.

Greek philosopher who founded a school in southern Italy that sought to discover the mathematical principles of reality through the study of musical harmony and geometry. The Pythagorean theorem is ascribed to him.

Only one birthday in the calendar year reflects this aspect. This birthday is 11/11. This configuration adds more power points to the person's chart, In addition a magical and enticing aspect is added to the individual chart.

Romantic power is calculated and graphed to reflect sentiment and love.

The combination of the six numbers blend together to form fifteen secondary traits. Secondary traits are assigned a numerical value and classified . Secondary traits are subordinate and derivative characteristics which have less power than primary traits. However, if the secondary traits appear more than once they would carry equal weight.

Social power is calculated and graphed to reflect friendly, hospitable, and harmonious relationships.

Have you ever had that feeling that you felt instantly comfortable and at ease with someone you just met? A soulmate is someone who shares similar personality traits. This connection adds more power points to a chart. Some compatibility charts have more than one soulmate connection. The more soulmate connections the greater the personalities would resemble one another.

Soul Power informs you if you are a young. enlightened, or old soul.

Only 3 birthdays reflect this combination they are: 1/11 2/22 and 11/1. Extra power is added for these combinations. This aspect denotes more ambition and talent.

A person that has experienced a few of life's lessons.

numerology sites

About Life Purpose Confused about your life path? Numerology holds the secret. Learn about the best careers for you or get relationship advice. Understand your divine life purpose. Discover your life path numbers with a personalized numerology reading by Jeanne Silk today. Astartiel's Numerology Reports Comprehensive Numerology Reports including full-year forecasts. Both single name and couple's compatibility reports available. CybernumbersPro., colorful, interactive software on CD-Rom CybernumbersPro. state-of-the-art software for doing readings for yourself and friends or selling reports. Fun, clear, spiritual, and insightful. Colors, gemstones, flowers, musical notes plus complete information derived from your name and birthdate. B Dreamtime, A Excellent Numerology site with amazingly accurate 5 page FREE reading! The web's best numerology site at the lowest prices. Read our free celebrity numerology reports and order one for yourself! NewAge Kabbalah Numerology for Sustained Success ! NewAge Kabbalah Numerology is done using Clairvoyance, Tarot Reading & Crystal Programming. Tuned Vibrations are broadcast throughout Universe 24/7, to achieve & retain results. No necessity to rewrite your name repeatedly or announce name change. Numerology and the seven rays On this web site, I would like to share some of my thoughts on this subject. In my work I have establish a link between numerology and the seven rays or Rishi, as they are called. Numerology Guide Free Online Numerology Reading. Numerology Guide is the number one resource for numerology including numerology guides, numerology readings, numerology methods, numerology glossary, history of numerology. numerology reports and love horoscopes numerology reports only $24.95! A savings of $125. Numerology reports, love horoscopes sale $44.95. Love horoscopes, love compatibility horoscopes. Numerology, The Mystic Science of Numbers Find out your Secret Numbers based on the vibrations of your Name and Birthday. Destiny, Soul Growth, Life Challenges, Karma. Past, Present, Future... Sollog's World Wide Web Nostradamus of the 90's Sollog called Nostradmus of the 90's by the Euro press. Guest on many nationwide talk shows such as Pat Colmes and Sigtings with Jeff Rense. Author of Nine books on mysticism. This page features ancient symbolism and numerology and Kabbalah! Ultimate Numerology A great site with Personality profiles,In-depth readings, name advisor and relationship compatibility reports,with forecasts. Up to 150 pages and more. A way to find out about your life-path and more. vastuplus Nuemrology services for change in name, personal numerology report, bew born baby name from numerology& vastu expert Nitinn parmar

Nostradamus Predictions

Get the facts about the predictions of nostradamus. You’ll find that a lot of Nostradamus Predictions were misinterpreted or misrepresented by the wrong people throughout history, usually by those that had an ulterior motive for proving or disproving one of the prophecies.

One of the more interesting Nostradamus Predictions is this one:

In the year 1999, in the seventh month,
from the sky will come the great King of Terror,
bringing back to life the great King of the Mongols.
Before and after, Mars to reign by good fortune.

You probably already know exactly what this pertains to… yep… the attacks of September 11. Some experts believe the date was an anagram and is supposed to be reversed into 9-11-1… the exact date of the attacks. There’s no way of knowing if this is the case, but going by the many other times Nostradamus used anagrams it’s scary how accurate the prediction is.

How can you benefit from Nostradamus Predictions?
How can you use Nostradamus Predictions to succeed in your own life, and avoid catastrophe’s like that of September 11?

Numerology Predictions are just one of the ways you can start to look ahead into your own future with frightening accuracy. I’ve been using this method for many years and people are still blown away by my seemingly ‘out of this world’ ability to see how things are going to unfold for me.

The crazy thing is, there’s no big secret, there’s no conspiracy or cover up, this information is available for everyone and is unique to your name and date of birth. All you need is a Master Numerologist to prepare a complete personal numerology reading for you so you too can uncover the secrets of your numerology chart.

I can personally recommend these: personal numerology reading from

Wait… actually… click this link for a Free Numerology Reading by… you’ll be totally amazed at what you uncover… I remember forwarding a copy of my free numerology reading to my girlfriend (now fiancee) and she was just awestruck at how accurate the reading was… and it was free! Crazy huh?

Get your free numerology reading from

Lifepath Number

Your Numerological Lifepath Number represents the traits and talents that you were born with and the probable journey you will take during your lifetime.
The Life Path Number is determined by the sum that is arrived at after reducing your birth date by adding digits together. This number represents the traits and talents that you were born with and the probable journey you will take during your lifetime.
Just to refresh your memory The Life Path is based on your full birth date as it is described numerologically.
An example of this would be 06 04 1975 (month, day, year).
Here is the formula:
How to Calculate Your Life Path Number
To calculate your life path number: First, convert the month to a single number or a master number (November stays 11 rather than 2). Then convert the day ofbirth to a single digit or master number. Next, add the total digits of year and reduce this sum to a single digit or master number.
The individual digits representing the month, day, and year, be they single digits or master numbers, are then added together, as necessary to reduce the sum once again to a single digit 1 through 9, or to the numerology “master numbers” 11 or 22. These master numbers, as components of the date or as a final result, are not reduced any further.

Biblical Numerology - Bible Numerology

Most of the world’s great religions also maintain that numbers contain hidden meanings that hold the secrets of the universe. Each number is also associated with certain gods, goddesses, colors, flowers, gemstones and of course, superstitions. Biblical numerology is what most people refer to this genre of literature as you’ll see there are plenty of references to Bible Numerology within this text.

The Number 1
In biblical numerology Islamic, Jewish and Christian religions the number 1 is associated with the one God. For medieval alchemists and metaphysicians the number was associated with the Philosopher’s Stone, the unknown catalyst that was thought to transform base metals magically into gold.

The number 1 is also associated with Allah, Aphrodite the Greek Goddess of Love, Apollo the Greek God of Communication, Diana the Roman Goddess of the Hunt, Vesta the Roman Hearth Goddess, Frey the Norse Hearth Goddess, Jehovah, the Egyptian God Neter and the Chinese God Pangu.

The number 1 is associated with the colors: red, crimson, scarlet and cherry.

Gemstones associated with the number 1 are ruby and garnet.

Flowers associated with the number are red roses and red carnations.

Common superstitions about the number one are:

Break one egg and you will break a leg
It is unlucky to walk around the house in one slipper
Only keep money in one pocket or you will lose it.
People with one hand are psychic.
A one-eyed person is a witch.
Seeing one magpie bodes a death in your future.
Seeing one white horse brings bad luck.
If you wash your hair on the first day of the month you will have a short life.
It is unlucky to get married August 1st or January 1st.
If you dream about the number 1 you have received a direct message from God.

Vedic Nuerology Reading

A Vedic Numerology Reading - as in "speaking
the unspeakable" - is a personalized consultation for
people in transition. It is a powerful and shape-shifting
process offered to those who seek a deepening in the understanding
of their lives. It provides fresh insight, support and direction.
My work appeals best to those who see life as a spiritual
journey, as I believe that we are here to work, study, enjoy
life and to serve God. Self discovery through a Vedic Numerology
Reading is a highly charged, kaleidoscopic view into the unseen
forces and systems governing the evolution of the soul.

Much of what I offer is synthesized into a form
of guidance, intimately and directly revealing you to yourself.
This insight is related to you verbally on a 75-90 minute
cassette tape. I am aided by the numbers in your birth data
and a current photo, through meditation and attunement to
channeled inner visions. The visions unveil Truth communicated
as compassionate and empowering information. Drawing on ancient
symbols, I share an intuitive path, opening you to a refreshing
realism within the mystical arts, helping you develop a greater
personal awareness. Your own life's journey can thereby be
richly enhanced by allowing new perspectives to be incorporated
as you face Truth and it pulls you toward healing and wholing.
I open myself fully to the unique landscape your data and
photographic image reveal to me. I journey with these as an
alchemist and transition consultant to assist you in your
life-script translation, giving voice to new patterns of purpose.
I cover your Life Path, including strengths and weaknesses,
highly auspicious periods as well as times to be more cautious.
Relationships, careers and vocations, spiritual and karmic
cycles as they avail themselves to me, and health concerns
are addressed.

You may ask about particular issues for specific
decades to come. After years of searching and suffering, I
consider it a privilege to communicate some of what I have
learned from the multiple levels of planetary influences,
meditation and earth renewal. I feel an urgent calling from
the infinite cosmos for each of us to be the very best we
can be. Truth knows no boundaries. May it serve you well in
rekindling your memory that God is Truth, Truth is Light,
Light is Life.

My readings grow from courage
to enter the darkness, bringing the magic of self-restoration
to light and living in harmony with all of creation within
the abundance of conscious continuity. Having lived in nine
and traveled in thirty-seven countries has allowed me to absorb
and integrate the methods, myths and magic of many cultures.

Participating ongoingly in
various mystery schools of yantra, tantra, Oriental and Occidental,
with scholars, shamans and spirits, I have discovered the
Self and have been quietly empowered by its tumultuous, challenging
process of individualization, a coming into honesty and humor.
The emergence of an ability to align my insights, reliably
and spontaneously with the needs of others is a blessed tool.
It seems natural to share what I have discovered in my journey
for Truth.


The number 9 stands in symbolism for the planet MARS. They are fighters in all attempts in life. They usually have diificult times in their early years, but generally they are, in the end, successful by their strong will and determination. In character, they are hasty in temper, impulsive independent, and desire to be their own masters. They like to be called as the head of the family and dislike subordination. Their greatest danger arise from fool hardiness and impulsiveness in word and action. They are peculiary prone to accidents from fire/explosions and rarely get through life without injury from such causes. As a general rule they go under many operations by the surgeon's knife. They usually experience many quarrels and strife in their home. This number is supposed to be a fortunate number to be born under, provided one control's one's thoughts and is not carried by excess of temper and violence that it also represents.CAUTION: Number 9 is incompatible to number 5, 6 and 8. if the Birth Number is 9 and Name Number is incompatible, it makes them misunderstood as headstrong / bullish and brings ill repute in social life. Hence needs correction.
LUCKY TIME: Number 9 people should start their projects on 9th, 18th, 27th of any month and especially when Sun is transitting Aries, Capricorn and Scorpio.
LUCKY COLOURS: Crimson or Red, also all rose tones and pink.


The Number 8 stands is symbolism for the planet SATURN. These people are invariably much misunderstood in their lives and perhaps for this reason they feel intensely lonely at heart. They have deep and intense natures, great strength of individuality, they generally play some important role in life's stage, but usually one which is fatalistic, or in the instrument of fate for others. If at all religious they go to extremes and are fanatics in their zeal. They gradually make bitter and restless enemies. They are distinct and different from their follows. One side of the nature of this number represents, revolution, waywardness and eccentricities of all kinds and the other side represents philosophic thought, a strong leaning towards occult studies, religious devotion, concenteration o fpurpose, zeal and a fatalistic outlook colouring all actions.CAUTION: Number 8 is incompatible to number 1, 2, 4, 7 and 9. If the Birth Number is 8 and Name Number is incompatible, it will only add to tensions in their already tensed thinking and lack of drive to execute any work.
LUCKY TIME: The number 8 people should endeavour all their important plans on 8th, 17th and 26th of any month and especially when Sun is in Aquarius, Libra or Capricorn for an early success.
LUCKY COLOURS: Black and Dark Green
LUCKY STONE: Yellow Sapphire.


The Number 7 stands in symbolism for the planet NEPTUNE. People representing number 7 are very independent, original and have strongly marked individuality. At heart they love change and travel, being restless in their nature. They devour books on travel and have a wide universal knowledge of the world at large. They often make good writers, painters or poets, but in everything they do, they sooner or later, show a peculiar philosphical outlook on life that reflects in all their work. As a class they care little about the material things of life, they become rich by their original ideas or methods of businesses. They have peculiar ideas about religion and dislike to follow the beaten track. They create a religion of their own. They have usually remarkable dreams and a peculiar magnetism of their own.CAUTION: Number 7 is incompatible to number 5, 6 and 8 (and vice-versa) If the Birth Number is 7 and Name Number is 5, 6 or 8 there will be frustration and mental tension and will live in the past ; hence needs rectification.
LUCKY TIME: The number 7 people should undertake all important plans for early success on all days which are compatible to their number 7th, 16th, and 25th of any month and especially when Sun is in Cancer and Taurus.
LUCKY COLOURS: White and Yellow also all pale shades. Avoid wearing dark colours.
LUCKY STONE: Pearl and Cat's eye.


The Number 6 stands in symbolism for planet VENUS. Persons having Number 6 as their number are extremely magnetic, they attract others to them, and are loved and often worshipped by those under them. They are very determined in carrying out their plans, and may infact be deemed obstimate and unyielding, except when they themselves become deeply attached, in such a case they become slaves to those they love. They lean to be romantic and ideal in all matters of the affections. They love beautiful things, make most artistic homes, and fond of rich colours, also paintings and music. They cannot stand in discard and jealousy.CAUTION: Number 6 people are incompatible to Number 5. If the Birth Number is 6 and Name Number is 5, tensions in regards matter of opposite sex and general surroundings and needs rectification.
LUCKY TIME: The Number 6 people should endeavour to carry out their plans and aims on all dates that fall under the Number 6th, 15th and 24th of any month but especially when Sun is in Taurus, Libra and Pisces.
LUCKY COLOURS: All shades of yellow, from the light to the darkest.


The Number 5 stands in symbolism for the planet MERCURY and is versatile and mercurial in all its characterstics. Number 5 people make friends easily and get on with persons born under almost any other numbers, but their best friends are people representing their own number. The number 5 people are mentally very highly strong. They live on their own and appear to crave for excitement. They are quick in thoughts and decisions, and impulsive and seem naturally to drift into all methods of making quick money. Have keen sense of making money by inventions and new ideas. They have the most wonderful elasticity of character and nothing seems to affect them for very long. When tested, they easily become irritable and quick tempered.CAUTION: Number 5 shows incompatibility to Number 9. If Birth Number is 5 and Name Number is 9 (and vice-versa) the person is always at adverse with his surroundings and is always mentally tensed about one thing or other, lacks consistency of thought and action; and needs rectification.
LUCKY TIME: Number 5 people should endeavour to carry out their plans and aims on all days that fall under their ' own number ' such as 5th, 14th, 23rd of any month, but more specially when Sun is transitting in Gemini and Virgo.
LUCKY COLOURS: All shades of light green, white and glistening materials and should wear dark clothes as rarely as possible.
LUCKY STONE: Emerald and Diamond.


The number 4 stands in symbolism for planet URANUS. Number 4 people have a distinct character of their own. They appears to view everything from an opposite side angle to everyone else. In an argument they will always take the opposite side, and although not meaning to quarrelsome, yet they bring about opposition and make a great number of secret enemies who constantly work against them. They often rebel against constituitional authority and set up rules and regulations either in the domestic or public life. They do not make true friends easily.

CAUTION: The number 4 is incompatible to number 6, 8 and 5. If Birth Number is 4 and Name Number is 5, 6 or 8 (and vice-versa) causes lots of tensions in friendly sphere and the family life of the person is also not good and needs rectification.

LUCKY TIME: The number 4 people should endeavour to carry out their plans and ideas on all days that have their number 4 such as 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st of any month especially when Sun is in Leo or Aries.

LUCKY COLOURS: Half Shades, Half Tones, Electric colours, Electric blue and gray.

LUCKY STONE: Ruby and Pearl.


The number 3 Stands for the planet JUPITER. Number 3 people are decidedly ambitious, they are never satisfied by being in subordinate positions, their aim is to rise in the world, to have central place and authority over others. They are excellent in execution of commands, law order and decipline in all things and are extremely conscietious in carrying out their duties. They are sometimes overdominating. For this reason, although they are not quarrelsome, they succeed in making many enemies.

CAUTION: Number 3 people are incompatible to Numbers 6 and 8. If the Birth Number is 3 and Name Number is 6 or 8 (and vice-versa) there is need for rectification as all the plans, no matter how big and promising, they appear to give disgrace as the final result.

LUCKY TIME: Number 3 people should endeavour to carry out their plans and aims on all days that vibrate to their own number such as 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th of any month but more specially when Sun is transitting Saggitarius, Pisces and Cancer.

LUCKY COLOURS:Yellow colour is the best.

LUCKY STONE: Yellow Sapphire.


The number 2 stands in symbolism for the MOON. It has a few attributes of the number 1. Such persons are gentle by nature, imaginatve, artistic and romantic. They are inventive by nature but are not very forceful in carrying out their ideas. Their qualities are more on the mental plane than the physical plane and they are seldom as strong physically as those born under number 1. They should guard against being restless and unsettled and the lack of continuity in their plans and ideas. They too easily get despodent and melancholy if they are not in happy surroundings.

CAUTION: The number 2 are incompatible with number 5, 6 and 8. If the Name Number is 2 and Birth Number is 5, 6 or 8 (and vice-versa) there is a definite tension in daily sphere and the person is always at odds in his mental state of being.

LUCKY TIME: Number 2 persons should endeavour to carry out their chief plans and ideas on 2nd, 11th, 20th or 29th of any month but specially when Moon is transitting Cancer and Taurus.

LUCKY COLOURS: Cream and White. All dark colours should be avoided.

LUCKY STONE: Pearls White and Red. Round shaped pearls are the best while flat pearls should always be avoided.


The number 1 stands in the symbolism for the planet SUN. This number represents all that is creative, individual and positive. Thus person represented by this number is creative, inventive, strong individuals, definite in his/her views, and in consequence more or less obstinate and determined in all the projects the individual undertakes. They are bold and like restraint in life. They always rise in whatever their profession or occupation may be. They have a desire to be at the top of each and every venture.CAUTION: People represented by this sign are incompatible to Number 6 and 8. If the Birth Number is 1 while Name Number is 6 or 8 (and vice-versa) there are definite conflicting traits in personality and fortunes and name needs rectification.

LUCKY TIME: Lucky time to start any venture are all the days that vibrate to their own numbers, such as on 1st, 10th, 19th or 20th of any month but specially when Sun is transitting Leo or Aries.

LUCKY COLOURS: Gold, Yellows and bronze to golden brown.LUCKY STONE: Ruby.


Pythagoras of Samos (Greek: between 580 and 572 BC–between 500 and 490 BC) was an Ionian (Greek) philosopher and founder of the religious movement called Pythagoreanism. He is often revered as a great mathematician, mystic and scientist; however some have questioned the scope of his contributions to mathematics or natural philosophy. His name led him to be associated with Pythian Apollo; Aristippus explained his name by saying, "He spoke (agor-) the truth no less than did the Pythian (Pyth-)," and Iamblichus tells the story that the Pythia prophesied that his pregnant mother would give birth to a man supremely beautiful, wise, and of benefit to humankind.

He is best known for the Pythagorean Theorem which bears his name. Known as "the father of numbers", Pythagoras made influential contributions to philosophy and religious teaching in the late 6th century BC. Because legend and obfuscation cloud his work even more than with the other pre-Socratics, one can say little with confidence about his life and teachings. We do know that Pythagoras and his students believed that everything was related to mathematics and that numbers were the ultimate reality and, through mathematics, everything could be predicted and measured in rhythmic patterns or cycles. According to Iamblichus, Pythagoras once said that "number is the ruler of forms and ideas and the cause of gods and demons.

"He was the first man to call himself a philosopher, or lover of wisdom. Many of the accomplishments of Plato, Aristotle and Copernicus were based on the ideas of Pythagoras. Unfortunately, very little is known about Pythagoras because none of his writings have survived. Many of the accomplishments credited to Pythagoras may actually have been accomplishments of his colleagues and successors.

Astrology & NumerologySome astrologers believe that each number from 0 to 9 is ruled by a celestial body in our solar system -- the layout below is the most widely accepted system amongst modern astrologers but there are other conflicting systems as well (such as the kabbalistic system).

Zero is ruled by the planet Pluto, which gives it many transforming and regenerating qualities. It has a lot of depth and intensity, which makes it an abstruse number indeed.

One is rule by the Sun and the astrological aspect of the conjunction, so this number is very egocentric, quite often being somewhat of a loner.

Two is ruled by the Moon and the astrological aspect of the opposition, which means this number is very co-operative, emotive, and has a great deal of feeling. This number is associated with relationships in general.

Three is ruled by Jupiter and the astrological aspect of the trine, and is educated, wise, and happy. The acquisition or expenditure of money often features prominently in the number. There is usually a free flow of energy associated with this number, which indicates that both good and bad come easily to this number. This number is the major benefic, so is considered lucky to many. Money will come and go easily when three is significant.

Four is ruled by Mars (although in many systems 4 represents URANUS) and the astrological aspect of the square. It is forceful and dominating in an attempt to control the tension that is inherent in this number. It also has a great deal of stability and is therefore a good number when attempting to build foundations. When four is prominent, quite often people will need to overcome obstacles before they will be able to reach their highest potential.

Five is ruled by the planet Mercury and the astrological aspect of the quincunx. It is very communicative and witty on a light level. Because this number deals with the concept of communication, on a negative level deception can also be involved, so it is always best to double check for the facts. Sometimes an individual must make adjustments in order to fit in when this number is significant.

Six is ruled by the planet Venus and the astrological aspect of the sextile. It is a pleasant, harmonious number that governs the arts and music. Tact and diplomacy figure prominently with this number, so relationships will be of paramount importance. Six is a minor benefic, so money will play an important role when this number is significant. There will be a free flow of energy, which will enable many opportunities for success to come to the individuals who this number has touched.

Seven is ruled by the planet Neptune. It is a very spiritual number that is not limited by the constraints of the physical world. This is the number of mystics, visionaries, and seers. Because this number is associated with idealism, depression can easily manifest itself when our expectations of others and our goals are not met. This number has many surreal, or unreal, qualities to it.

Eight is ruled by the planet Saturn. It is a solid and very stable number that has many limitations that must be transcended. Those individuals who have this number prominent in their life usually must learn by experience. They quite often have many harsh lessons to learn, which are quite often the result of a karmic debt they must repay before they can progress unto their next level of spiritual evolution.

Nine is ruled by the planet Uranus (although in many systems 9 represents MARS). It is very eccentric and unusual in nature. Where this number is prominent invention and ingenuity are very important elements to any given situation.While different from the actual planets themselves, each astrological sign has also long been associated with a particular number, beginning with Aries which has always been the 1st sign of the Zodiac and ending with Pisces which has always been the 12th and final astrological sign of the Natural Zodiac.

This layout is as follows:

1 - Aries - (Cardinal Fire)2 - Taurus - (Fixed Earth)3 - Gemini - (Mutable Air)4 - Cancer - (Cardinal Water)5 - Leo - (Fixed Fire)6 - Virgo - (Mutable Earth)7 - Libra - (Cardinal Air)8 - Scorpio - (Fixed Water)9 - Sagittarius - (Mutable Fire)10 - Capricorn - (Cardinal Earth)11 - Aquarius - (Fixed Air)12 - Pisces - (Mutable Water)

Numerology Charts

Numerology chart is the manuscript of the numerological interpretation done for personal month or year. It is prepared after numerological calculations based on the birth date numerology or name numerology methods that tells the number of influence in a person's life.

Numerology chart is very simple and the correct interpretation in the chart determines your real self, your strengths and weaknesses. Basically, the chart is determined primarily from the date of birth and your full name. The chart tells all about the lucky number or destiny number that basically plays a crucial role to determine the occult mysteries of your life.

The numerology reading of the chart consists of several core aspects that represent the different positions of our life. The chart contains different dimensions of life like:
1. The Life Path: The Life Path is sometimes called the birthplace, or birth-path, or destiny path. It describes the opportunities available to a person in order to learn the major lesson, as well as the environment - the people and the places - in which these opportunities are to be found. The Life Path is fixed and unchangeable. Confidence in your direction allows you to move forward towards a positive destiny.

2. The Birthday: The Birthday sub-focuses on the life path which is also unchangeable.

3. The Expression (the full name): The full name is the main key to past experiences that you
had brought with you from the universe to this physical plane. The Expression is a person's natural potential abilities.

4. The Soul: The Soul is a person's inner motivation, your secret ambition, goal, ideal, or aim. The soul wishes to express itself for complete success.

5. The Inner Self: The inner self is that part of the personality that lies latent until it is needed, and it is often seen as it manifests to accomplish the goals. It is thought to be a part of the personality used to try to obtain the soul stimulation and the part that is shown to the world. The inner self is compared to the soul and tries to find out what lies in his or her heart.

Numerology Methods

The two most popular methods of numerology are Pythagorean and Chaldean.Though each is a different system, with distinct differences, they both are in agreement on certain things.

Pythagorean System

Letters converted using nos. 1 to 9.Started about 600 BC and sometimes called Modern Numerology. More popular because easier to use, gives a more materialistic meaning, uses full name given at birth. Conversion is done in sequence. Pythagoras a mathematician used it. All compound numbers reduce to single numbers except 11, 22, and 33.

Chaldean System

Letters converted using nos. 1 to 8. Sometimes called Mystic Numerology. Harder to use than Pythagorean system. Gives an occult or mystical meaning. Uses name most known as and shows the behind unscene forces. Conversion is out of sequence. Unknown who originally taught it but it predates the Pythagorean system. Birthday affects personality and health tendencies given at birth.The Single and Compound number are both important.Other SystemsDifferent methods of calculation exist, besides Chaldean and Pythagorean like Hebraic, Helyn Hitchcock's method, Phonetic, Japanese and Indian.

Meaning of NUmbers

Creativity, independence, originality, ego, self
Empathy, cooperation, consideration, over-sensitivity, co-dependence
Artistic expression, sociability, friendliness, superficiality, wastefulness
Practicality, application, loyalty, rigidity, repression
Freedom, adaptability, travel, inconsistency, abuse of senses
Love, responsibility, understanding, meddling, jealousy
Spirituality, mental analysis, wisdom, fault finding, suppression
Executive ability, management, power, materiality, unscrupulousness
Artistic genius, humanitarianism, romance, emotionalism, dissipation
Intuition, idealism, invention, insensitivity, fanaticism
Practical idealism, material mastery, get-rich-quick schemes, viciousness
Christ-like, healer, compassionate, martyr, inspiration, honest, monk.
Mastering numerology is like mastering any skill. The more you know about the tools you are working with - the more adept you are going to be at accomplishing the craft.In this case your tools are the numbers themselves and the craft is the extent of your personal ability to interpret the numbers. The more you know about what each number symbolizes the better able you will be at divination and personality analysis.For more advanced calculations you will need to start learning by eye and intuition to come to conclusions about just how much of a number is dominant in a particular name. This is particularly true when it comes to defining more abstract numbers such as the Planes of Expression, Essence and Life Challenge numbers.In the case of the planes of expression, essence and life challenges calculations you will be asked to weigh out the dominance of a certain number against others. For instance you can be the most dominant number 1 personality in the world (as ones are famously very self-centered) but if your name is dominated by 9s your innate selfishness may be very much mitigated by a desire to sacrifice all for others. This is because 9s tend to follow a more humble or spiritual path in life.



1 Interesting, has some useful information
1* Excellent book for beginners
2 Generally good with some very good bits and pieces
3 Very Good
3.5 Half way between Excellent and very good, good to have
4 Excellent, has much technical information
4* Excellent book for beginners or the advanced student, easy to understand technical information
5 Excellent, very technical

1* Adrienne, Carol. The Numerology Kit. NY, NY: NAL Penguin Books, 1988.

5 Avery, Kevin Quinn. The Number of Life. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1974. (Out of print.)

3.5 Bishop, Barbara J. Numerology: The Universal Vibrations of Numbers. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 1990.

4 Buess, Lynn. Numerology For The New Age. Sedona, AZ: Light Technology, 1978.
3 ---. Numerology: Nuances in Relationships. 1991.

2 Bunker, Dusty. Numerology and Your Future. West Chester, PA: Whitford Press, 1980.

3 Campbell, Florence. Your Days Are Numbered. Marina Del Ray, CA: DeVorss & Co., 1985.

4 DiPetro, Sylvia. Live Your Life By The Numbers: Your Guide to Numerology. NY, NY: Penguin Books (Signet Div) 1991.

4* Dodge, Ellen. Numerology Has Your Number. NY. NY: Simon & Schuster, Inc. 1988
3 ---. You Are Your First Name. 1984

1 Ellis, Keith. Number Power: In Nature, Art, and Everyday Life. NY, NY: St. Martin's Press, 1978. (Explores the ways in which the power of numbers has mani­fested itself in philosophy, religion, the arts, mythology, science and mathematics.)

1* Goodman, Morris C. Modern Numerology. North Hollywood, CA: Wilshire Book Co., 1945.
2 Grebner, Bernice Prill. The Day Of Your Birth. Peoria Heights, Illinois: Grebner Books, 1990.

3 Hitchcock, Helyn. Helping Yourself With Numerology. West Nyack, NY: Parker Publishing Co., Inc., 1972

4 Javane, Faith and Dusty Bunker. Numerology and the Divine Triangle. Westchester, PA: Whitford, 1979

3 Javane, Faith. Master Numbers. Westchester, PA: Whitford, 1988.

4 Jeanne. Numerology: Spiritual Light Vibrations. Salem, Oregon: Your Center For Truth Press, 1987. (503) 370-7295

2 Johari, Harish. Numerology: With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology; A Key to Human Behavior. Rochester, VT: Desti­ny Books, 1990.

4* Jordan, Juno. Numerology: The Romance in Your Name. Marina Del Ray, CA: DeVorss & Co. 1965.
3 ---. Your Right Action Number. 1979
2 ___, and Helen Houston. Your Name...Your Number...Your Destiny. North Hollywood, CA: Newcastle Pub. Co., Inc., 1982.

1 Line, Julia. The Numerology Workbook. Wellingbourough, England: The Aquarian Press, 1985.

2 Poole, Richard Elliott. The Numeric Personality. New York, NY: Doubleday, 1989.

4* Roquemore, Kathleen. It's All In Your Numbers. NY, NY: Harper & Row, 1975. (Out of print. If you can find it, buy it!)

1 Stein, Sandra Kovacs. Instant Numerology: A Manual for the Beginner. North Hollywood, CA: New Castle Publishing Co. Inc., 1981.

2 Strayhorn, Lloyd. Numbers and You. NY, NY: Ballentine Books, (34593), 1987.

3 Valla, Mary. The Power of Numbers. Marina Del Ray, CA: DeVorss & Co., 1985.

2 Vaughan, Richard. Numbers As Symbols For Self-Discovery. Sebastopol, CA: CRCS Publications, 1985.

Numerology: The Zero Challenge.

Take away the month from the birthday or the year from the birthday and you will find that you have challenges in your life. With the results of the two equations above, if you then take one away from the other you will discover your final challenge number; month from birth day, year from birth day, result from result. Three challenge numbers.

The first applies to your life in your early years, the second to your middle years and the last one to your final years. Some numerologists may argue that the final challenge is with you for life.

This is a simple explanation because I do not wish to discuss challenges in general. What I would like to discuss is when the result of your calculations reduces your challenge number to zero.

An example of a zero challenge is when a person is born - let's say - on April 4th. The month is 4 and the birth day is 4. Take one away from the other and you have a zero. Someone born on April 5th has a 1 challenge, April 6th a 2 challenge and so on.

The zero or cipher is a symbol that was not used until the middle ages. It was certainly now around when Pythagoras taught numerology. Consequently the zero became an addition to what would have been traditional numerology. Never the less it was adopted and studied.

In the true sense of the word, zero is not a number, so it is perhaps a strange inclusion to the study of numbers. And yet, in understanding that zero is not a number gives us a clue as to the nature of zero as a challenge.

The symbol of zero "0" is an elliptic shape, that numerologists associated with the symbolism of an egg - life in its embryonic stage. In other words it portrayed the potential of birth. In mathematical terms that birth would be either +1 or -1. The zero sits in the middle of potential but is not a manifestation in itself.

Imagine that you are playing a game of Ludo. If you throw a 6 your counter may participate in the game. Until then you are potentially playing but nothing productive can occur until you succeed in placing your counter on the game board.

Therefore the zero challenge hold the principle nature of "potential". With your participation in life it can achieve many things. Without your participation it contains nothing. It is not an energy vibration in itself but a container within which to harness energy vibrations.

Some numerologists have chosen to associate the zero challenge with the number 9 because of its all or nothing factor, and I can understand the reasoning for doing so. I have found, however, that there is one enormous difference that separates the zero from 9. Apart from the fact that number 9 has an energy principle of its own it can adapt to any other number and, as such, is rarely comfortable when working alone. If you add 9 to 4, for example you get 13. Add 1 and 3 together and you come back to 4. Therefore adding 9 to any number and reducing it brings you back to the number you added 9 to. Experienced numerologists often 'cancel out' the 9s when adding the numbers of a name. Number 9 has an all or nothing factor because of this. It needs the input of other numbers to employ positively the energy of number 9. By its very nature it has no choice in the matter. The zero has that choice.

In practical terms that means you choose to use the potential of the zero challenge or not. It is almost like having a free destiny. Instead of being allotted your challenge you have a multiple choice. You may, in fact, choose nothing at all - however this comes with a price.

With no connecting energy vibrations the zero challenge stands alone in the way the challenge is accomplished. In other words, if you do something and get it right it is because you did it and nobody helped you. If you do something and get it wrong it is because you did it and nobody helped you. The zero challenge is learned alone; No one helps you, no one hinders you. The zero challenge is your triumphs or your cock ups!

It is a speculative observation of mine but I have sometimes come across people with a zero challenges who have disabilities. I am not saying that this is an exclusive link but the idea of overcoming the restrictions of a disability in every day life is a prime example of how a zero challenge works without involving others. Let me offer some evidence.

My father was born on November 20th. In his younger years he was as fit as a fiddle. He lost all his teeth by the age of 25 so perhaps he had to overcome his personal self consciousness as a result. By the same token, one of my friends has a daughter born November 20th. The daughter's twin sister did not survive birth and she developed cerebral palsy on day one. She is quadriplegic and unable to communicate in the normal sense of the word. She is cared for and generally she is happy but no one could imagine what it is like to be her. It is her challenge alone and no one can help her to understand what it is like to be reliant on everyone for everything.

My wife, Sharon, was born January 28. Her mother (August 26) developed stills disease after the birth of her first daughter. My wife was born in an attempt to reverse the effect of the disease. It didn't work. Sharon also went on to develop arthritis and other disabilities but she still works, has a family and runs the house. In her younger years she became almost a slave - a workhorse at the age of 9 doing all the household chores that her mother could not, which by and large was everything. She didn't have to, of course. That was her choice. Sharon still had friends, a social life and even a weekend job. Had she chosen to do nothing would she have been happier?

Here is one more example. I met a person at a psychic fair whose date of birth was a 4 month 4 day and 4 year. He lost both of his arms in a car accident when he was 15.

The zero challenge has a catch. If you choose to do nothing then it is quite possible that your life will be filled with nothing or at least it may seem pointless. This challenge takes self motivation. Without input by you, you will suffer stagnation and inertia. Life will throw potential challenges at you every day. For most people with a zero challenge it is very obvious once you see it. All you need to do is address the challenge by finding ways to surmount your personal obstacles. I say 'all you need to do', which sounds easy but if it were that easy to accomplish it would not be a challenge would it? The rewards come when you fill your empty vessel with a treasure-trove of invaluable experience and knowledge.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008



In spite of all the prior computations, the single most important notation is that of the Life Calling (LC) number. This number explicitly spells out what you can and should develop, if you wish to experience all the richness and fullness life promises til the ultimate end.

The Life Calling Number , is one of the most important numbers in nu­merology and cannot be treated in a light manner. It is the source from which all other aspects spring, the Life Path or Destiny being just the road one follows, the Life Calling Number being the very source of direction.

As Destiny guides the Soul in a particular direction (the Soul's Urge may or may not support the journey) the LC number clearly describes the destina­tion. Although most persons are oblivious to the `magnetic' pull, the LC pushes one toward their goal. Those without the knowledge are still drawn in its direction. However, when we are unaware of where we are going our journey can not be as enjoyable. Such unawareness is known as "stress".

It is very likely that until the age of 38 or beyond this subtle influence is not truly felt. The entire life's experiences will be gathered/clustered in support of its attainment, enabling you to be fulfilled as only a productive soul can be. In youth, the life's obstacles and useless wishing and hoping is likely to impair the insight as to where life is taking you. With age comes a career, possible marriage, relationships of various types, and numerous other impedi­ments to forward progress. For most of us, the approach of middle-age is when the serious and sometimes conscientious search for life's meaning takes on even greater importance. The Soul is then searching more directly for the sense of true and lasting happiness. Most of us get the feeling from time to time that there is more to Life---but what? The LC number tells all.


All numbers are good. It is up to us to decide if we use the positive energies or the negative. Like warning beacons, numbers tell what happens if used positively and warns of the outcome if negatively applied. The analogy can be made with human laws; when they are written, so too is the punishment for not abiding by them. Numbers are the same in a more spiritual sense. Through ignorance, most of us don't follow the Soul's dictates (intuition) and are then chained to experiences, many of which are disagreeable. Some individuals are simply too self-centered or rebellious to follow the dictates of the Soul, let alone abide by human laws and consequences.

The felon or criminal that can not see the need for law enforcement, the citizen that breaks the rules, and the individual that doesn't listen to their intuition and learn from setbacks and losses, are all expressing the same thing --- the lack of self-discipline.

When the LC number is known, the reason for this incarnation is felt. Early in the life this may seem like an impossible or improbable goal. The other numbers must be consulted to determine whether they will support or detract from the prescribed destination. Regardless, such a reality is attainable for each of us. Those whose numbers are more or less supportive have a smoother journey, perhaps due to an earlier awareness of who they are. Those having contrary numbers have the more difficult passage but in all probability will revel all the more in its attain­ment. Incidentally, it is these people who are seen to experience the most "fun" in life because they live more day-to-day and "let the Devil take the hindmost". Then when things don't go their way, they wonder why life let them down so abruptly. On occasion, they pick up the pieces and do the same things over and over again, ad nauseam.

The LC number encompasses the total character (vowels) and personality (consonants) of the individual. Hidden within the birth date and full name at birth, the LC number announces life's experience, lessons, talents, hardships, and pleasantries, along with our ultimate goal. It is the subtle and not so subtle driving force within each of us. This single number describes the Who, What, When, Why, and Where of life.

All four of the core numbers are included in the LC number: the Soul Urge, Inner Self, Expression, and the Destiny. Therefore, all that the individual was, is, and will be is revealed by the LC number.

The Life Calling Number is derived from adding the DESTINY (M/D/Y of birth) to the EXPRESSION (Total of Vowels + Consonants).

The Destiny itself is composed of the birth date, including the month, day, and year of birth, as well as the Achievement (month + day). The Expression is the sum of the Soul Urge + the Inner Self.

a. The Destiny itself is composed of the birth date including the day of birth and Achievement

b. The Expression is the sum of the Soul's Urge plus the Inner Self.

Do not become trapped into thinking this powerful component of a life tells all. ­Without the differences in Soul's Urge and Inner Self all Expressions of the same number would be nothing more than carbon copies. The names being different will have dissimilar Inclusion Charts but the Soul's Urge number may be identical. Birth dates though different may result in identical Destiny numbers. Different birth names can result in identical Planes of Expression. The true uniqueness of the individual is revealed in these all-important numbers. It is they that spell out how, and if, the life is to be productive in the earthly sense. We all are here for a purpose that conceivably could include learning the harshest of lessons. To some this will seem to be failure, but in the scheme of eternal life there is another tomorrow. Being fired from a job at age 16 shouldn't so stifle the individual that he doesn't ever work again. Failure of a quiz doesn't mean the course of instruction should be dropped. Should life end in seeming failure it isn't to be seen as release from the Soul's learning; learning did take place and future incarnations will bear this out.

The sooner the LC number is identified the sooner one can make ready for the future.

Down through the ages the numbers and their basic truths have endured. As changes have occurred in life and lifestyles, the interpretations are modified. Just as age, sex, national origins, marital status, etc. affect interpretation so too do technical and scientific advances.

Stress occurs when change and opportunity bring more choices than we'd like to cope with. Remember, we are the same now as in ages past. The numbers are the same too. As an example:

A female born in 1492 A.D. with an LC number of 6.

In those days this number pointed toward family and domestic life with minimal community involvement as the world was less populated. The same Soul incarnated as a female born in New York City in 1899 and having a 6 LC number has marriage, family, and decidedly greater opportunities for more civic involvement, possibly in the Women's Suffrage Movement. The number remained the same and its subtle, not so subtle pull toward involvement with others as a heLC er is the same. It's the increased choices that confuse and often burden the bearer. The same soul reincarnating in 1960 America with the same 6 LC number may have a child with or without marriage, may be a divorcee, lawyer, social worker, chef, conduct any of a variety of schools, etc. thus facing more choices that all relate to the basic 6. No wonder lives seem more stress filled with the passage of time and generations.

It is becoming clearer to health professionals employing various techniques that self‑awareness eliminates stress. There is no more certain cure than that afforded by the numbers --‑ through awareness of their power for good or bad and then acceptance of their influence. Simple. Not necessarily easy though. The prize is inner peace and contentment without stress.

Lest you forget...murder, divorce, mental breakdowns were all occurring in 1492 too. The frequency has changed in proportion to the individual's confusion over choices. The struggle between the physical desires of the mind and the spiritual needs of the Soul is a constant struggle to overcome. The Soul clearly knows the difference between necessity and convenience, essential and frivolous and when you and I go against that inner knowledge the conscience (Soul) will deprive us of the hoped for good feelings. Active full‑time pursuit of the LC number as early as possible assures lasting success, happiness, and stress‑free years of experiencing life.

Until middle age (Pinnacle change closest to 42 years of age), the promise of your LC number and its privileges may not be fully realized. Or you may feel that its requirements are a handicap rather than an opportunity, and that it is impossible for you to become what it suggests. You may be even older before you truly sense this is the pathway of true development. Many people though give up or are too uncertain to make the real effort and eventually ­become "just ordinary people", finding their later years of life dependent and of no real value, when they might have become great or found a place of real usefulness had they followed their dimly sensed inner urges. But it is never too late to mend one's ways, and if the effort is made to be what the LC number proclaims, the experience leads to a re‑birth and realization. For all of us, many of the most important experiences of the lifetime come through the LC number's influence. Good and bad.

Life Calling Number Attractions

The characteristics of the number are being developed lifelong through the variety of experiences gained and the many types of relationships entered to include friendships, romance, acquaintances, family, etc. Some of the deepest come through those persons who have in their chart your LC . An instant attraction or dislike may be felt according to this number. Someone who shares your particular number may be strangely drawn to you for mutual gain, or in a similar way, a very unhappy learning experience depending on where in the other person's chart the number is found.

There are seven (7) important positions where the number may be echoed in your chart as well as others. It is very important to note that it's the position not the number itself which reveals probable harmony or disharmony. It is therefore very important that such indications be more carefully studied than any other number or position and its possibilities be recognized with the others, otherwise life will not bring the Soul the satisfaction that you dreamt of in your youth. For after all, the LC number represents the very essence of experience, not the process by which experience is to be gained. Better to think of it as describing "why" certain experiences befall us or not. The basic positions are:

a. Soul's Urge Number
b. Personality
c. Expression Number
d. Destiny Number
e. Pinnacle Number
f. Personal Year Number
g. Major Challenge Number

When studying a chart in detail and noting repetition of the LC number in any of the above mentioned positions, it clearly indicates opportunity to prepare for later life through the very type of experience the number indicates.

This is the only time that the childhood ambitions should not and probably will not be abandoned as unattainable as expressed through duplication with the Personality. As you know, it is normally and routinely thought of as an impossible dream by most of us by the age of 28 years.

For all of us the Personal Year, when duplicating the LC number, affords opportunities and challenges to advance toward what is intended to be the life's ultimate goal and fulfillment. Not everyone is blessed with any other duplication of numbers and will therefore travel on instinct alone until middle age. Thus, to such persons the Personal Year is very important.

Nature balances! Those with the seemingly difficult paths to follow may well have the duplication of numbers provided to lessen the difficulty, if they will just "listen" to the inner voice.

Difficulty can be anticipated if the number matches a Karmic Lesson number or is found to be life's major challenge. Hard work will bring its own reward to such people.

Relationships via Life Calling (LC ) Numbers


This combination (the most lasting) creates a deep and interesting attraction that is felt by both parties. It may bring a lifelong friendship and a mutual interest may be developed, especially by the one with the LC . From the first there seems to be a warm tie that will last even if later separated. Sometimes a strong antipathy may be noted at the first meeting followed by falling in love because the attraction is so deep. The one with the Soul Urge will usually feel the attraction first. In many cases, this individual gives the most in the way of unselfish friendship, but seems to enjoy doing so. This relationship is not for material gain; instead it is the pathway of "soul mates'.


This attraction offers little in the way of permanency or stability. The attraction is going to be the person with the OUTER Self number feeling as though the person with the LC typifies their inner most dreams and wishes. Since this is not what the person stands for the relationship would be very shallow. Offering social interests (perhaps) maybe even stimulant to the mentality. Challenging the person with the OUTER Self number to make a better presentation of themselves. Generally, such acquaintances teach that it is not wise to judge from appearances, but rather to look beneath the surface in human relationships.


This attraction is not as deep or as lasting as that of the Soul Urge, but none the less two people are often drawn together because of something in the manner or appearance of one or the other that appeals to their tastes or fancies. When a closer association beyond that of an acquaintanceship or friendship is entered into disappointment or unhappiness is generally the result; because there was really no foundation or similarity of character on which to base a relationship.

The reason being the Expression Number represents the appearance, the manner, the outer expression, and doesn't reveal the deeper states of mind, or for that matter, the real quality of character.

Those persons who have the personality number may attract the individual with the LC number. Possibly again because of looks, the way they dress, or the way they express themselves in social activities. And it usually is the social activities in which they meet, possibly even seeming to be the ideal couple. But caution, this fancy should not be taken too seriously because it may not mean happiness. A man may see something attractive in the expression of a women and fall in love with her because she represents, in her physical manner, what he is developing mentally through the demands of his LC number. He soon discovers that he was mislead by appearances, because she doesn't have the character to satisfy his developing nature. A woman may meet a man in the same way and also be deceived by appearances.


Although the attraction may not be a deep or lasting one, much benefit can be realized through this particular association if it is rightfully understood. The person with the Destiny number has a vague desire to take part in the activities, enterprises, social activities, or maybe even to enter the career field of the person with the LC number. There may be little understanding or appreciation of character by either party, because this association has more to do with worldly activities then with the urge of the Soul. Such a relationship is not often carried beyond an experience which teaches a lesson that is sometimes easily forgotten by the person with the Destiny number; however, it leaves a mark on the person with the LC number. That person will have had an opportunity to develop character, even though hardly recognizable at the time. Often, the relationship will not go beyond the social or business contact.

Now and then unhappy experiences will result because of this sort of attraction. Each trying to make use of the other to further his or her own ends without giving anything in exchange. Deep feelings can be stirred up, jealousy aroused, and a strong dislike felt underneath the manner of friendliness.

­If the LC person is not aware of what may be gained by the association, he or she may covet what the Destiny person has or seems to be doing, and can cause trouble from this desire. But it is the LC number person that must have the self control and make the effort to learn the lesson which must be gained. You see, in the Destiny person, they are meeting an outside condition that will force them to develop their own character. They must give something of their-self in return for the lesson they are learning, because its only when there is a real desire to improve the Self that the exchange of experience is of value to either. In this relationship the Destiny person gains the better expression while the LC person finds their-self and develops their talents and abilities.

LC and LC :

As the LC number shows the development to be made during a lifetime, two people with the same LC number will show an interesting attraction and realize they have a great deal in common, because they are both going on the same direction on the highway of life. This is an attraction which can result in much good, and leave its mark on the character of each, they can support each other in the experiences they are taking for growth and development (even if they seem to have different natures). The relationship time may be unusual, out of the ordinary, with no binding tie or demand on either party beyond the mutual sharing and pleasure they find in being with someone of their own type or interests. The time may last a lifetime, if the lessons demanded of each are gained at the same rate of unfoldment. However, it’s not uncommon to find the relationship broken up no matter how strong the tie may be if spiritual development isn't equal. And sometimes too, circumstances brought about by a different Destiny may lead them apart, even though the purpose they serve is similar. Working in common can lead to splendid results, empathy, and a satisfaction not experienced by other ties in life.


Each year of life brings its particular opportunities and requirements. Change is the watch word of progress.

Although we are each born for a special Destiny, each year brings a force to be met for future growth and development.

We climb up the ladder of life step by step and the Personal Year represents the step one must take at a particular time to make real progress. When the person with the LC number meets someone in the same Personal Year, the experience taking place will be very vital and have a great deal of influence on the future. It can be said that when we meet our own LC number in our own Personal Year, the same experience occurs. No matter how important other years may seem to be, this matching of Personal Years is very important. Therefore, every effort should be made to take advantage of the opportunity. The other person having the Personal Year number matching the LC number will feel drawn toward that individual, because it will seem they have the answers on how to handle that particular personal year. They find themselves associated in various enterprises, projects, or the sharing of mutual interests. Unless other personal numbers are strongly compatible, the relationship will only last for the duration of the Personal Year.


There are four important cycles to be lived through during a lifetime, they are called the Pinnacles of Attainment, or Pinnacles for short, and operate independent of character. If the LC number matches the Pinnacle, that cycle is most important for the future. Because during the time of the Pinnacle the individual has the opportunity to work along the lines of their LC number and to succeed through their activities. Conversely, if the LC number does not appear on any Pinnacle, it will take place more generally, and it's apt to be late in life before its full power is realized.

A person meeting another whose Pinnacle matches the LC number will find themselves closely associated (as in Personal Years) perhaps for the duration of the Pinnacle. All things being equal, the association will only last as long as the Pinnacle, for the LC number does not describe the direction in which we travel, only the area we are drawn to. If the Destiny and/or the Destiny Direction is not the same then these two persons would grow apart.


If the LC number is the same as the Major Challenge or Magi Problem on the same chart, it assures that many obstacles will be met in accomplishing the LC number. Or the person will seem to suffer until they correct the indicated weakness. On the other hand, if a person has a challenge that equals your LC number, you would meet a very big test through that person's Expression and character.


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